Archive for April, 2008

Obama’s Hat Trick

By donar | Related entries in 2008 Election, Barack, Cartoons, Democrats, Political Graffiti, Religion
April 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 5 Comments »

What’s Raul Castro Been Up To?

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Cuba, Death Penalty

It’s been over 2 months since he officially took power, and The Seminal details some progress…
Raul Castro announced today that he is commuting all death sentences in Cuba (with the exception of 3 individuals charged with terrorism) to lesser sentences, citing humanitarian reasons. Cuba has faced pressure from human-rights activists to abolish its death penalty, [...]

April 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 2 Comments »

Gas Tax Realities

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in 2008 Election, Bad Decisions, Barack, Energy, Hillary, McCain, Money, Taxes, Video

(h/t: Below The Beltway)

April 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 3 Comments »

Ron Paul Book Bomb Works, #1 On Amazon

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in 2008 Election, Books, Libertarian, McCain, Michigan, Money, Republicans, Ron Paul, The War On Terrorism

Ron Paul supporters are nothing if not passionate, and they’ve pushed his book to the top spot on the biggest online retail site in the world.
From CNN:
“The Revolution: A Manifesto”, released earlier this month, is currently No. 1 on the Web site’s list of top sellers, besting even Oprah’s latest Book Club selection.
“Despite a media [...]

April 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 6 Comments »

60% Are Tired Of Primaries

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in News

This from a recent Rasmussen poll:
The survey also found that 60% of the nation’s adults say the Primary Season has gone on too long. Twenty-six percent (26%) say the process has worked well and 9% haven’t paid much attention. Nearly a quarter of unaffiliateds–those not affiliated with either major party—say they have not been paying [...]

April 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 5 Comments »

Gallup: Hillary Maintains 1 Point Lead

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in 2008 Election, Barack, Democrats, Hillary, Polls

Exactly the same as yesterday. It’ll be interesting to see what the post-Wright era will look like for Obama.

The details…
For the last six days, the Democratic contenders have been separated by no more than one percentage point. Obama held statistically significant leads for much of April, but since Clinton’s victory in the Pennsylvania primary, the [...]

April 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 2 Comments »

Obama Adds 2 More Superdelegates, Hillary Adds Another

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in 2008 Election, Barack, Democrats, Hillary, Super Delegates!!!

It’s 3 to 2 in today’s superdelegate race, and so far the post-Pennsylvania count stands at 10 to 5, Obama’s pickups to Clinton’s pickups.
The first one for Obama today was Rep. Bruce Braley from Iowa, and we covered that earlier today.
The second was a Rep. Baron Hill from Indiana.
The third was Rep. Lois Capps from [...]

April 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 3 Comments »

Assessing McCain’s Healthcare Plan

By Alan Stewart Carl | Related entries in Health Care, McCain

John McCain has finally released a healthcare plan. But is it any good?
First, before getting into the details, let’s look at what McCain is trying to achieve. He wants a system that does not rely on employer controlled health insurance but allows each individual to choose a fully portable plan that fits their specific needs [...]

April 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 9 Comments »

I Just Got My $600 Stimulus

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Bush, Money

And I feel better already.
Thank you George!
Now about those food and gas and housing prices…
I just stimulated Souperman in KC and Scooter’s for a large cup of joe.
What are you stimulating?

April 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 8 Comments »

Hillary Adds Pennsylvania Superdelegate

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in 2008 Election, Barack, Democrats, Hillary, Pennsylvania, Super Delegates!!!

So it’s 8 to 4 post-Pennsylvania in Obama’s favor since he announced an additional superdelegate today.
From PennLive:
Hillary Rodham Clinton will pick up the support of another influential superdelegate this morning when Bill George declares his support for the senator from New York.
George, the president of the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO, had been one of six remaining undeclared [...]

April 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 2 Comments »

Recession? Not Yet.

By Alan Stewart Carl | Related entries in Economy

Despite all the economic doom and gloom, we’re actually not in a recession. Turns out, the economy grew 0.6% last quarter. A recession is when the gross domestic product (GDP) goes into the red for two consecutive quarters.
Of course, 0.6% growth is only good news when you’re expecting negative growth. The economy’s growth in the [...]

April 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 8 Comments »

US Troop Casualties In April Highest Since Sept. 2007

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Afghanistan, Health Care, Iraq, Mental Health, Military, Money, The War On Terrorism, War

From the AP:
The killings of three U.S. soldiers in separate attacks in Baghdad pushed the American death toll for April up to 47, making it the deadliest month since September.
One soldier died when his vehicle was struck by a roadside bomb. The other died of wounds sustained when he was attacked by small-arms fire, the [...]

April 30th, 2008 | Permalink| No Comments »

PPP: Hillary Leads By 8 In Indiana

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in 2008 Election, Barack, Democrats, Hillary, Indiana, Polls

Public Policy Polling did the worst in Pennsylvania, but that’s because they overestimated the African American and youth vote. I doubt they’ll do the same in Indiana.
In any event, it’s Clinton/Obama, 50/42.
More from the poll…
Her support is coming from the same groups that she usually does well with- women (54-39), whites (54-38), and older [...]

April 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 1 Comment »

To GOP, Obama Has Won

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in 2008 Election, Barack, Democrats, Hillary, McCain, Republicans

They get it, so why not the Dems and the media?
From Politico:
Hillary Clinton’s decisive Pennsylvania primary win last week may have reinvigorated her campaign, but you wouldn’t know it from listening to the Republican party.
The National Republican Congressional Committee has purchased $500,000 in anti-Barack Obama ads for use in two upcoming special House elections. [...]

April 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 3 Comments »

Obama To Announce Two More Superdelegates Today

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in 2008 Election, Barack, Democrats, Hillary, Super Delegates!!!

First, this nugget from The Caucus…
Since Mrs. Clinton’s win in the Pennsylvania primary, Mr. Obama has landed more superdelegates, 7 to 3.
So after these two superdelegates today, Obama will be leading Hillary 3-1 post-Pennsylvania.
Now, onto the first superdelegate of the day (via TPM)
The Obama campaign confirms that he will get the endorsement of Rep. Bruce [...]

April 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 1 Comment »

Pin Heads

By donar | Related entries in 2008 Election, Cartoons, General Politics, Political Graffiti
April 29th, 2008 | Permalink| 1 Comment »

SurveyUSA: Clinton Leads By 36 In Kentucky

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in 2008 Election, Barack, Democrats, Hillary, Kentucky, Polls

It’s a massive lead that shows no signs of changing.
The details…
In a Democratic Primary in Kentucky today, 04/29/08, three weeks until votes are counted, Hillary Clinton decisively defeats Barack Obama, 63% to 27%.
In three SurveyUSA tracking polls over the past 30 days, there is no movement in the contest.
Obama gains a little bit [...]

April 29th, 2008 | Permalink| 6 Comments »

Obama’s Wright Problem

By Alan Stewart Carl | Related entries in Barack

So, Barack Obama says the Rev. Jeremiah Wright we saw over the weekend is not the man he befriended 20 years ago. This has, as the Brits would say, become quite the sticky wicket for Obama. His credibility is at stake as he asks us to believe that he is genuinely surprised by the continued [...]

April 29th, 2008 | Permalink| 10 Comments »

Obama Appears on Fox, Angers Left

By Alan Stewart Carl | Related entries in 2008 Election, Barack, Blogging, Liberalism, Media

This weekend Barack Obama appeared on Fox News in an interview with Chris Wallace. Liberal bloggers are not happy. Many on the activist left see Fox as the enemy and some have accused Obama of legitimizing the rightwing press.
I don’t watch Fox because I feel they too often cross the line between news and editorial [...]

April 29th, 2008 | Permalink| 1 Comment »

Video: Obama Disowns Wright

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in 2008 Election, Barack, Democrats, Race, Religion, Video

Just a followup on what I shared earlier.

(h/t: TPM)

April 29th, 2008 | Permalink| 2 Comments »