Archive for September, 2008

Forget The Polls…Follow The Futures Market To Learn The Next President

By Glenn Church | Related entries in 2008 Election

As everyone knows, polling is an imprecise system. It has become popular to make composite polls from various sources and use them as a predictor. However, as prediction/futures markets have developed, they have shown an uncanny track record for getting an election right. These markets became popular with the development of the Iowa Electronic Market. With a [...]

September 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 4 Comments »

Voting Begins In Ohio!

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in 2008 Election, Missouri, Ohio

More and more states are allowing early voting and I think it’s great. Anything that can get people to the ballot box should be encouraged, promoted and celebrated.
From AP:
In the state that may again determine the presidency, voters started casting ballots Tuesday as Barack Obama struggles to thwart a John McCain victory in Ohio four [...]

September 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 2 Comments »

Economic Rescue Package Vote Set For Tomorrow

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Congress, Economy

But this time it’s in the Senate.
Why is that important? Because they’ll vote overwhelmingly in favor of it and force the House Republicans into a situation where they are literally the last ones in line to stop the rescue.
From Wash Post:
Leaders of the Senate, where most members have indicated support for the bailout plan, said [...]

September 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 4 Comments »

Podcast: Preview Of Vice Presidential Debate Between Sarah Palin and Joe Biden

By | Related entries in 2008 Election, Barack, Biden, Debates, Foreign Policy, General Politics, McCain, Media, Palin

Two experienced debaters and political junkies offer a preview of the upcoming vice presidential debate between Sarah Palin and Joe Biden.
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Feel free to email us questions/suggestions for our next podcast (you can also email an audio file of your question and we’ll include it in the podcast).

September 30th, 2008 | Permalink| No Comments »

McCain’s “Fundamental” Problems Continue

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in 2008 Election, Barack, Economy, McCain, Media, Video

Well, looks McCain’s line about the fundamentals of the economy is really hurting him. Otherwise he never would have released this whopper.

CNN reports that the claims of the ad are absolutely false…
The Facts: The clip from Obama comes from a speech he gave in Colorado on Monday, September 29. The full speech as released by [...]

September 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 2 Comments »

Palin Questions The Ethics Of Couric And Gibson

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in 2008 Election, Media, Palin

This from an interview from Hugh Hewitt’s podcast today…
HH: Now Governor, the Gibson and the Couric interview struck many as sort of pop quizzes designed to embarrass you as opposed to interviews. Do you share that opinion?
SP: Well, I have a degree in journalism also, so it surprises me that so much has changed [...]

September 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 14 Comments »

A Week in Stupidity

By Jennn Fusion | Related entries in Veep

I tried not to stay in this week because I heard stupidity was contagious. “Stay away from the TV, stay away from the News,” I told myself. “Don’t watch any video that pops up with ‘Katie Couric’ in the title.” Amid the barbecues, the concerts, the Oktoberfests and the debate parties, I couldn’t help but [...]

September 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 2 Comments »

The politics of the bailout, part 2

By Nick Ragone | Related entries in News

In addition to sabotaging our economy and putting “main street” at risk, the Republican back-benchers have also blind-sided John McCain’s campaign by keeping the bailout front and center for at least another week.
It’s clear now that the politics of the bailout is working against McCain; every day it dominates the news cycle is a bad [...]

September 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 4 Comments »

Obama, a Terrorist’s Best Friend – A Father’s Politics, a Son’s Education

By Tom Hanson | Related entries in News

It represented one of the most shameful of stories. Yet as is always the case with shameful stories, it soon made its way across America.
Apparently an 11-year-old boy in Colorado was suspended from school for failing to remove a t-shirt that school officials had deemed a disruption to the school’s learning environment. According to [...]

September 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 1 Comment »

Republican Mitch McConnell: Credit Crunch Already Here

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Economy, Legislation, Video


It’s happening.

September 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 1 Comment »

To Those Who Still Oppose The Bailout…

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Economy

…listen to Megan McArdle:
It is worth noting, in answer to the libertarians who are wary of government intervention in the economy, that if there is a serious crash, we will get even more government intervention in the economy–and intervention that is much less to our liking. That cost has to be weighed in your assessment. [...]

September 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 22 Comments »

Gallup: Obama Up By 6

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in 2008 Election, Barack, McCain, Polls

McCain gains one and Obama loses one to pull this one right in line with Rasmussen’s polling.

The thing to take note of isn’t necessarily the spread at this point as it is how low McCain’s numbers are. The Republican convention has proven to be an anomaly at this point, and McCain simply has trouble reaching [...]

September 30th, 2008 | Permalink| No Comments »

More Repubs Jump From The Palin Ship

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in 2008 Election, Biden, Debates, Palin, Republicans

“I think she has pretty thoroughly — and probably irretrievably — proven that she is not up to the job of being president of the United States. [...] The story of Dan Quayle is he did probably 1,000 smart things as vice president, but his image was locked in and it was very difficult to [...]

September 30th, 2008 | Permalink| No Comments »

Raising The FDIC Limit To $250,000

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Barack, Bush, Economy, McCain, Money

It makes a lot of sense, not the least of which is when folks think their bank is in trouble and they decide to start pulling their money because they don’t think the FDIC will cover them, it creates a “run on the bank” situation that makes a collapse for that particular institution almost inevitable.
Obama [...]

September 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 5 Comments »

Rasmussen: Voters Split On Bailout 45% For To 44% Against

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Economy, Polls

And here are the details…

Fewer than half (45%) believe the rejection of the economic plan will actually hurt the economy

33% think the media and members of Congress have portrayed the current economic situation as worse than it really is.

Just over one-in-five voters (22%) remain undecided.

Eighty-eight percent (88%) are following news stories about the rescue plan.

Fifty-two [...]

September 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 1 Comment »

Stop Demonizing/Sanctifying Free Market

By Alan Stewart Carl | Related entries in Economy

I keep hearing that the financial crisis is some grand rebuke of free market principles. I also keep hearing that the bailout plan will ruin the free market. What I’m not hearing is what I believe is the most accurate description of the situation: we never had a true free market to begin with.
Those who [...]

September 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 11 Comments »

Rasmussen: Obama Up By 6

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in 2008 Election, Barack, McCain, Polls

Obama – 51%
McCain – 45%
Obama adds one today and he matches his highest number since Rasmussen started polling his matchup with McCain in June.
Also, Obama has been at 50% or better for 5 straight days and has hit that mark 12 times. On the other hand McCain has only hit 50% once. But this stretch [...]

September 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 1 Comment »

Bailing on Bush

By donar | Related entries in 2008 Election, Bush, Cartoons, Economy, Political Graffiti
September 30th, 2008 | Permalink| 1 Comment »

That Pelosi Speech

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Democrats, Economy, Legislation, McCain, Republicans, Video

Some House Republicans are claiming that the following speech made them change their vote.

I’m sorry folks, but that’s hardly the hyperpartisan tour-de-force House Republicans claim it was.
Still, was it helpful? No.
So, in the end, she probably shouldn’t have made it, but from what I was hearing about this I was expecting some fire and [...]

September 29th, 2008 | Permalink| 10 Comments »

Politics as Usual Played a Role in Bailout Bill Failure

By Alan Stewart Carl | Related entries in Congress, Economy, Wall Street

Here’s an interesting fact pulled from the AP about the bailout bill’s failure:
Thirteen of the 19 most vulnerable Republicans and Democrats in an Associated Press analysis voted against the bill despite the pleas from President Bush and their party leaders to pass it.
The article doesn’t say who these 19 are but this figure tells us [...]

September 29th, 2008 | Permalink| 4 Comments »