Ed Morrissey Makes Olbermann’s ‘Best’ List

By The Pajama Pundit | Related entries in Democrats, Media, Republicans, Video

Shocking, I know.

Ed’s post is here — and it is indeed some very good writing.

Allahpundit responds:

For the rare distinction of having earned Olbermann’s blessing, let me be the first to say to Ed: You are the RINO king. Enjoy the throne of shame; if you need me, I’ll be at the bar adjusting to my new role as Hot Air’s “true conservative.”

Ed then chimes in, very graciously:

I’m sure people would like me to be a jerk about this, but I’ll say thank you to Keith instead for the kind words. We’ll be arguing again tomorrow, and for the … rest of eternity, probably, but I’d prefer to return graciousness with graciousness.

Look-ee-here! We’ve got no less than three fierce partisans talking about (to?) each other with some dignity and respect (and some humor).

If these three dudes can get along, maybe there is hope for the rest of us…

[cross-posted at ThePajamaPundit.com]

This entry was posted on Thursday, August 13th, 2009 and is filed under Democrats, Media, Republicans, Video. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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