Lost your password?

Hi there! Having trouble with your blog or account? Be sure to go through this checklist before contacting us. You may be able to solve it all by yourself!

  • Have you looked through our documentation and checked out the forums? Both of those offer answers to common problems and will help you learn more about blogging with WordPress.com.
  • Whoops! Forgot your password? No worries, you can reset it.
  • Experiencing funky display problems? Try clearing your browser’s cache and cookies.
  • Do you pay another company to host your blog? If so, you’re running the self-hosted version of WordPress, available at WordPress.org. Here we only provide support for WordPress.com, which is a different entity. Good news, though! WordPress.org has a very helpful forum.

All set to contact us? Great! Go ahead and fill out the form below. Happiness Engineers are here and ready to help in English, French, Hebrew, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish.

If you have a WordPress.com account, please Login
I do not have a blog.

All fields are required.

We take security very seriously at WordPress.com and greatly appreciate receiving private notification from security researchers before full disclosure to the public. If you believe you have found a security issue, please submit your findings.