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Anyone can help translate WordPress.com using our GlotPress translation engine. GlotPress is a tool to help translators collaborate.

Getting Started

You will need a WordPress.com user account to use GlotPress here at WordPress.com.

Once you are logged in, click “WordPress.com” under Projects.

GlotPress > Projects

Then click on the language you are trying to translate.

You can suggest a new translation for any of the English original strings, seen on the left. Use the Filter / Sort / Random Untranslated links to find any particular strings for which you wish to add suggestions.


↑ Table of Contents ↑

Add a Suggestion

Click anywhere on the table row to open a form. Type in your translation, then click “Add translation →” button. Suggested strings are indicated in yellow.

↑ Table of Contents ↑

Approval Process

A moderator will review your suggestions, then reject or approve them. You’ll see new translation after WordPress.com staff sends the changes to the live server. Green background color indicates all approved strings that may or may not be live.

Please contact support if you need any help.

Last modified: April 9, 2010

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