First Russian CD

first russian cd

These are photos of first Russian CD.

In Russia common people didn’t have cd players untill mid 90s, so in later 80s there were no Russian music discs at all.

This was the first one produced by Russian music company “Melodia”. You can read the contents on the pictures – it was both on English and Russian language because it was mainly for export – nobody in Russia was in need of cd’s.

Photos by Gyuri from Hungary.

Comments (20) 4:56 am

Russian Reality Show

Recently reality shows became popular in Russia too.

Many youngsters watch them daily. This one is the most popular and the longest going. It has started more than 2 years ago and devoted to a group of young people in search of love. It’s even called so “Dom 2: New Love”.

Here are the bright moments of the show for new love search.

Comments (25) 2:18 am

Uncle Sam was friend of Russian Ivan

uncle sam

It’s interesting but just before the communist got to power as a result of October Revolution of 1917, there was a USA friendly propaganda in Russia.

For example this poster is from 1917, a few months before the communist’s takeover. It says: “Friends-Democrats – Uncle Sam and Ivan”.

But just a few month later uncle Sam became a negative hero and stayed so 70 years.

Comments (38) 2:11 am

Triple Core Proccessor

triple core processor

Here is the Euclide Core 3 Processor Kit, Core 3 Trio.

That could be a big sensation.

A new triple core processor appeared in Russia.

Look at the package and it’s contents on those pictures.

It promises triple performance for all things you usually do.

It’s name is Euclid Core 3.

Comments (29) 4:38 am

Drunk Russian Girls

In Russia vodka drinking is a viral thing.

Little kids see their parents drinking each time, each weekend, each holiday, so they are getting used to the idea that there is no ever party without a big big vodka drink.

So then when they learn to walk by themselves and can buy things they go straight and buy alcohol. That’s how it look likes here.

Comments (50) 8:58 am

Russian Boys Dance

An amateur video of more Russian teenagers dancing to different music.

Comments (14) 8:52 am

Russian Cabrio Van

When you can’t afford a simple cabrio or when it’s simply not enough seats for all your friends you can order a Russian van cabrio from GAZ.

van cabrio, russian

Comments (15) 9:52 am

Russian Wooden Highscraper

Today we have hand made stories. Another one is submitted by Timo.

This one is really strange. It is a wooden multi-stored building. It looks like a real skyscraper in Arkhangelsk city. All the houses in the town are mainly two- three- stored and here it stands – a twelve stored wooden tower, more than 120 ft high (38 metres).

There is not elevator and you can reach the top of the building climbing by a carved wooden stairs.

The building can be seen from all the town. The city authorities claim that the building spoils the town view and demand to reduce it by… 10 stores. But he refuses. He really likes his creation and most of the local people think that it looks nice.

wooden skyscraper, Arkhangelsk, Russia

Comments (65) 6:22 am

Self Made Tanks

A guy from a small village located near Novosibirsk, Russia has a hobby. His hobby is to make full size models of old tanks.

He makes only those models that were totally destroyed during the wars and no any other copy can be found in the whole word. So he takes the pictures and the old tank comes to life again.

All of his models are full-sized and can move. They have engines, transmissions etc from modern cars and can be driven, though they are not registered.

Once he got a little tour across the neighborhood on his new example of a World War II tank. That made a lot of panics in the quite Siberian area – police arrived to see why the tanks entered the village.

He says his dream is to built a full sized working model of an aircraft-carrier.

self made tank

Comments (14) 5:31 am

Multiprocessor Table Based on Compact Discs

A Russian guy living in Israel has created a multiprocessor table based on compact discs.

What the heck is a “multiprocessor table”?

It becomes clear after viewing those pictures below:

multiprocessor table

Comments (18) 4:54 am

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