More Daily Shots from Russia

daily shots from Russia 2

And another portion of daily stuff from the streets of Russia. On the photo above you can see how the priests of Russian Orthodox Church are being treated by the people visiting the church. As you can see they express full respect and reverence for those Reverends, though such a respect looks pretty wild for the Western people of 21st century.


Comments (41) 4:53 pm

Russian Fashion ’89

Fashion in Russia 1

We continue publishing some pieces of Russian fashion back from Soviet times. This part comes back from 1989. Enjoy.


Comments (96) 4:40 pm

The Rainbow Clouds

strange clouds in Russia 1

Strange clouds appeared on the skies of Murmansk city yesterday. People say that see such “rainbow clouds” for the first time, they say that camera shot can’t render the true sight of the clouds sudden go rainbow-colored.


Comments (61) 8:32 am

Bad Parking 5

car wrongly parked in Russia 1

This parking went bad! Probably the truck driver hasn’t notice that some small something is already parked there, even when he heard the scratching sound of the folding metal under his right wheel, he probably thought “Oh man, just hitting the sidewalk border a bit, not a big thing at all”. Well, it wasn’t a sidewalk.


Comments (82) 5:58 pm

Big House Big Troubles

apartment in Moscow, Russia 1

These days while US property markets hit the lowest growth levels in Russia those markets are booming, especially in Russia’s capital the glorious Moscow city. Last year property prices grew for more than 100% and the average price is around $6200 for a sq/m, it’s something like $700 for one square foot of the apartment in the house like this one, on the picture above. So many companies try to build as fast as they and cut costs as much as they can to get as the profits as high as they can why the market is growing. Some guys have visited this building’s underground part to check how safe to buy the flat there? Here are some shots:


Comments (41) 5:41 pm

WW2 Like Reconstruction

guys dressed in world war suites near Leningrad 1

A few days ago an anniversary for the blockade of St. Petersburg city during the World War 2. For more than two years the city was in the tight circle of German troops. The front line was already in the suburbs and the downtown was bombed constantly. People suffered from the hunger and illnesses. Tens of thousands died. For those who survived it’s a great day, and those guys dressed in WW2 uniforms dedicate this show for them, the heroes of the blocked city.


Comments (71) 5:06 pm

Beware: Canon

car crashes into canon in Russia 1

When you drive through Russian city keep the distance before you and the canon being towed by the truck ahead.


Comments (41) 8:27 am

A Winter Helicopter

helicopter at winter in Russia 1

Dwellers of this small city were shocked at one winter morning when they found out such an installation at their street. Take a look.


Comments (54) 9:51 am

Soviet Toys

Toys from Russia 1

During the Soviet times all the toys were manufactured only on a dozen of state owned factories. All toy designs were certified with Communist Party of Soviet Union and they were lazy to certify a lot so there were not a big freedom of choice for Russian kids at that time. And it wasn’t just toys that were the same for almost everyone. Going from home to home you could see the same furniture, same cloths and same home appliances and all those homes were in the same multi-stored buildings. It was the time of total unification, so if anybody is from that times he would for sure mark most of those toys as “Man, I had them too!”


Comments (84) 8:19 am

Another Day at Minus Sixty

extreme cold in Russia 1

Yet another day of minus sixty (-50C) in Russia, but life doesn’t stop!


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