Russian Cheerleaders

Russian cheerleaders 1

“Do they have cheerleaders in Russia?” – many ask, well, see yourself.


Stalin – Clown?

Some visitors of English Russia claim that Stalin was a clown. Well, it was an empty bull without evidences but now there is a photo fact for this statement. Straight from Russian ex-classified archives, rare shot of Joseph Stalin.

Comments (26) 4:42 am

Train And BMW

Estonian train hit car 1

In Estonia trains chase cars and hit them later, leaving soil and flowers on the place.


Comments (42) 3:46 pm

Coffin Shaped Restaurant

Russian coffin shaped resaurant in Ukraine 1

“Be seated in the free coffin of your choice”, this is how visitors are being greeted in this new coffin-shaped restaurant in Lviv, Ukraine.


Comments (35) 2:55 pm

The Underground Moscow

Moscow undergrounds 1

Right beneath the Moscow downtown with its extra-costly realty lies ex-KGB dungeons. They are still full functioning and access is not so easy and still nobody knows the exact location and plan of those underground man-made caverns of Moscow but some parts of them now open for the


Comments (27) 4:28 am

The Super Mario Lada

Russian car 1

In Russia they have Super Mario Ladas.


Comments (21) 3:11 am

Ukrainian Police

Police in Ukraine 1

Police in Ukraine has an extra job to do.


Comments (36) 3:09 am

Police Special Device

Russian police 1

Moscow road police now uses special hi-tech devices for extra clear view of the road under control. Click more to see them in action:


Comments (29) 6:10 am

Jimmi Jimmi

Many Russians don’t like the migrants from the ex-Soviet Southern states who come to modern Russia and do different hard jobs for less, but this guy is cool, at least he knows 3 languages: Hindi, his native Tajikistanian and Russian, and he can sing and dance.

Comments (55) 3:28 pm

Unique Shots

Unique shots from Russia 1

These two photos are pretty unique. The first shows the tradition of Russian astronauts, according to it just before taking their seats inside of the space ship they have to take a leak upon the wheel of the bus which takes them to the launching site. I don’t know who started this tradition but they say all of them do, including these two from the latest Russian space program launch. This is the first time it has been caught on film for already 40 years of space launches.


Comments (39) 9:54 am

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