Soviet Israeli Propaganda


Comments (58) 2:15 pm

Class War: Burned Corvette

Some people say they can’t stand “those rich punks riding their hundred thousand dollar cars when around everything looks ruined and school teacher’s salary is $100/month”. So they act sometimes. This time in Ukraine. USA cars really can cost twice or even triple price if compaired to their price in States. That’s because of huge European car taxes + shipping costs and stuff.


Comments (73) 11:11 am

Railway Car Churches

Russian church in old railway car 1

It can look bit crazy, but it seems that there is a widespread train in Russia to organize Orthodox-Christian churches in old railway cars.

It could seem like it’s a modern phenomena but bit retrospective digging reveals that some of them already appeared when the railroad itself appeared in Russia.


Comments (49) 4:56 pm

No Greenpeace, Please

Russian police doesn't like greenpeace 1

What a green walking greenpeace trash-bin has to say to Russian police?


Comments (49) 1:04 pm

Tom Cruise in Russia

Tom Cruise in Russia meeting Russian girls 1

Yesterday Russian girls got an occasion to touch Tom Cruise, the actor, who have visited Moscow for the first time.


Comments (27) 11:56 am

Deer Racing

Russian deer racing 1

These days is a great day for the dwellers of Northern regions of Russia. The polar night lasting many days before when the Sun didn’t come above the horizon and the land was covered with the darkness ends. People come from all the regions to celebrate.

The main fun during celebration is the deer race. People bring their best deers and race, race, race. The looser deers are being eaten then, like, they did not satisfy the expectations, giving the big meals to everyone.


Comments (16) 11:21 am

Car Revenge

Spoiled cars in Russia 1

Car becomes an object for revenge nowadays. Russia is not exception.


Comments (12) 10:50 am

Selling Her Coat

Russian girl sells coat 1

This Russian girl decided to sell her coat on the Internet auction, ebay like system of Russia.
After posting her ad she also attached a photo, and that photo turned instantly into meme across Russian Internet. The photo itself is below.

Comments (16) 10:06 am

Soviet Street Ads

Soviet Street Ads 1

Speaking about street ads and it’s abundance in the streets of Russian cities now people always append to the Soviet Era when there were almost no ads on the streets.
Well, it’s true that during the Soviet reign they didn’t advertise any goods or services on the streets, because there was no competition and Russian people had no choice what to buy, so there were absolutely no need to ask them to buy.
What amuses me most, is that during Communist Party rule the most advertised stuff was the Communism itself. People were constantly reminded about the absolute necessity of Communism in their lives and about that it is the only right way.


Comments (31) 6:35 pm

Ukrainian Amazons

Girls like amazons from Ukraine 1

A French explorer Guillaume Herbaut has found a group of amazons hiding in the woods of Ukraine. They live together, dress like locals, study martial arts and their idol is Ukrainian lady minister Julia Timoshenko.


Comments (65) 6:17 pm

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