The Abandoned Machinery

Russian abandoned machinery

For years some great pieces of abandoned machinery have been seen near Moscow, Russia


Comments (37) 2:45 am

Moscow hungry foreigners

Moscow hungry foreigners 1

One curious Moscow guy initiated a survey on foreigners’ nostalgia for food. Let’s have a look at the results. First come the Englishmen.

Ivor Benett, reporter

English breakfast

Fried eggs, real bacon, toasts, tomatoes, baked beans and the main thing – pure English sausages. All sausages here are huge and of some strange taste – nothing to compare with pork sausages with herbs served anywhere in England.


Comments (54) 4:26 pm

How porcelain is being born


Let’s visit a small enterprise producing Russian porcelain. It’s one of the rare small factories producing small series of products, which have souls because all they’re hand-made. Sure they produce not only traditional dishes but also have plenty of private and corporate orders. Enjoy watching the process of birth of these pieces of art.


Comments (10) 6:48 am

“Slanderous” photos


In the end of 2009 the Uzbekistan Agency on Press and Information has initiated a criminal proceeding against a talented documentarian photographer and the first camerawoman in the country - Umida Akhmedova.  She was charged with the “slander and outrage against the Uzbek people” in her photos. She is threatened to be sentenced to 2-3 years of correctional works or to 6 months imprisonment. Enjoy some of Umida’s professional “illegal” shots.


Comments (66) 6:10 am

Vnukovo Airport


Since there was business bounce in Moscow recently and with each year it goes more and more skyscraperier with hundreds of people from different countries arriving to the capital of Russia, need in expanding infrastructure of the megacity sprang up. The authorities of Moscow have been long thinking of building new terminal at one of the well-known airports of the Russian Federation. It is 2010 outdoors and the construction goes full speed. After the terminal is ready, Vnukovo airport will be one of the biggest and modern airports in Russia with capacity of 20 millions travelers a year.


Comments (31) 2:29 pm

Other Side of the Coin


I bet that the only thing coming into your mind when you hear phrase Sports Photography is “Bo-o-ring!” but we are here with this photo-report made at a swimming competition in Saint-Petersburg to melt all your doubts. Sports photography can be fun. And moreover, it can make your either laugh or cry with fear. Depends only on you.


Comments (17) 10:26 am

Icy Baikal

Icy Baikal 1

Again a post about the deepest lake in the world – Baikal Lake. And now not about its steel garbage, but about its beauty and its mysteriousness.

But before some school info to help to understand the lake’s uniqueness. Baikal is the lake of a tectonic origin in the southern part of the Eastern Siberia. The maximal depth is 1 642 meters (about 5 400 feet).
About half a year the lake is icebound. In average the period of freeze-up lasts from 15 January till 1 May. Baikal is navigable only from June till September. The locals as well as many other Russian traditionally call it the Baikal Sea. And it’s not a mistake – Baikal deposits of fresh water are more than in the Great Lakes combined.


Comments (43) 5:23 am

Two Hummer Fun

What can be done to two American army SUVs in Russian forest. Or in other words
how to sink two hummers.

Comments (34) 12:35 pm

Kandahar captives

Russian captives in Afghanistan 3

The first days of February were the days when premiere of a new action movie has taken place in Russia. It’s called “Kandahar” (“The Crew” in international distribution) after the Kandahar city in Afghanistan – the factual capital of the Taliban movement. It may seem that it’s one of the regular action movies based on a completely made-up plot. A Russian transport airplane is hijacked in Kandahar by an Afghan fighter aircraft. The crew is imprisoned for more than a year and then they just escape on their own plane which had been resting nearby all the time. Indeed, can it be real? Without any doubt – YES!


Comments (36) 8:40 am

Russian Trash Star

Russian punk rock 1

This lady is a star of one Russian trash rock band. It’s not clear when she joined them but looks like became pretty popular among their fans. They call her “Albina Sex”. Some protesters say that in reality this is not their singer but a homeless women they found somewhere in a trash yard and pay her money to behave like that, thus making all this look very miserable. In any case they went viral in blogs.


Comments (23) 8:34 am

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