History does not record anywhere at any time a religion that has any rational basis. Religion is a crutch for people not strong enough to stand up to the unknown without help. But, like dandruff, most people do have a religion and spend time and money on it and seem to derive considerable pleasure from fiddling with it.

—Lazarus Long

Archive for December, 2004

Susan Sontag is Dead

Thursday, December 30th, 2004

Imagine a writer/playwright/intellectual whose most famous single
remark was “the black race is the cancer of human history”. Who said
“The Pinochet revolution is astonishingly free of repression
and bureaucratization.” Who praised the attack on Pearl Harber as a
brave deed. Do you suppose such a person would collect laudatory
tributes and glowing obituaries on the occasion [...]

The Journalist as Herd Creature

Wednesday, December 29th, 2004

In September 2004, well before the elections, I wrote an essay on
the collapse of
mainstream media influence. I predicted that the Rathergate
scandal and the Swift Boat Vets would lock up the election for George
W. Bush, despite the MSM’s most determined efforts to get Kerry into
the White House. I related this to a long-term decline in [...]

Where’s Tom Wolfe when you need him?

Monday, December 27th, 2004

The Ananova site brings us this little gem:
Baseball star’s wife makes ultimate threat

The wife of a top US baseball player has vowed to have sex with all of
his team mates if he ever cheats on her.
Anna Benson, a former model and stripper who was named Baseball’s
Hottest Wife by FHM, is married to Mets pitcher Kris [...]

Hacking My Way To Stardom

Sunday, December 26th, 2004

This is storyboard art for a movie called Nightmask, with
the interesting property that I will probably get a speaking part in it
if it’s actually produced.

“Whoa!” you may well ask. “How does a middle-aged geek with no
showbiz history beyond a few singer/songwriter coffeehouse gigs in
his college days land a part in, you know, a real [...]

The Revenge of the Nerds is Living Well

Monday, December 20th, 2004

Grant McCracken has argued in his book
Plenitude that one of the defining characteristics of the last
fifty years is an explosion of subcultural variety — people
creating new lifestyles and new identities around occupations, sexual
tastes, hobbies, genres of art and music, religions, and just about
any other investment of time human beings have ever dreamed up.
When McCracken [...]

Upgrading to WordPress

Sunday, December 19th, 2004

The WordPress update is now complete. Unfortunately, I deleted some recent comments while clearing out comment spam. Comment spam is now blocked using
a simple and clever method which I will not disclose in public.

The Racist of Earthsea

Thursday, December 16th, 2004

In Slate magazine, SF author Ursula LeGuin complains that the
producers of the new Earthsea miniseries have butchered her
work. One form of butchery that she zeroes in on is by casting
characters who she intended to be red, brown, or black as white
I have mixed feelings. LeGuin has every right to be POed at how
her [...]

Left2Right – a critical appraisal

Wednesday, December 8th, 2004

I’ve been reading a new blog called
Left2Right, founded in
mid-November 2004 as an attempt by a group of left-wing intellectuals to reach
out to intelligent people on the right of the American political spectrum.
It is indeed a thought-provoking read, but the thoughts they are provoking
are not necessarily of the sort they intend.
This response is intended for the [...]

Free Falling

Monday, December 6th, 2004

My friend Howard Tayler, the cartoonist behind Schlock Mercenary, invited me to post this.