The greatest productive force is human selfishness.

—Lazarus Long

Archive for July, 2005

Kurds in the Coal Mine

Tuesday, July 26th, 2005

How will we know if the attempt to reconstruct Iraq is failing?
This is a serious question. With as much hysterical anti-Iraq-war,
anti-Bush-Administration fabrication going in the media as there has
been, it’s tempting for a rational person to dismiss every negative
report as just another load of Michael Mooronism and dismiss it. That
would be a mistake. [...]

Love and Severus Snape

Sunday, July 24th, 2005

OK, I’ve read “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” and enjoyed it
I have a theory about what will happen in Book 7. Potential spoilers
about Book 6 follow!.

Sowing Dragon’s Teeth

Sunday, July 24th, 2005

David Lucas’s op-ed
in the Knoxville News-Sentinel combines with this
story about active-duty military personnel criticizing Edward
Kennedy and Dick Durbin’s “gulag” rhetoric about Guantanamo Bay to
suggest something interesting about the long-term political impact of
the Iraq War.
Historically, one of the major byproducts of American wars is
politicians. While it’s rare for a career military man to carve out [...]

American Empire Redux

Friday, July 22nd, 2005

A respondent to my previous post on American Empire said ”For non-Americans, the concern is not necessarily “does America behave like an empire?”, but “can we trust it not to act like one when the chips are down?” (e.g. if oil supplies dwindle to the point where the US economy is at real risk).
The answer is [...]

American Empire

Thursday, July 21st, 2005

The American Left, and some of the Buchananite/isolationist
elements of the American Right, have spent a lot of time and
rhetorical energy fretting about the “American Empire”, and/or the
“global system of American hegemony”. Lee Harris has written a very
informative essay on Hegemony
vs. Empire in which he points out that these two words mean
different things, and delves [...]

The Hollywood Left is from Venus?

Monday, July 18th, 2005

David Koepp, the screenwriter behind the current blockbuster movie
War of the Worlds has said:
“the Martians in our movie represent American military forces invading
the Iraqis.”
As InstaPundit observed, you just can’t make this stuff up. It’s
hard to lampoon the Hollywood left any more, because they keep
uttering inanities that venture beyond far, far beyond parody —
yea and [...]

Gayness is hard, lesbianism soft

Wednesday, July 6th, 2005

Fascinating. This NYT article bears out a suspicion I’ve held for a long time about the plasticity of sexual orientation. The crude one-sentence summary is that, if you go by physiological arousal reactions, male bisexuality doesn’t exist, while female bisexuality is ubiquitous.
I’ve spent most of my social time for the last thirty [...]

Punishment, Coercion, and Revenge

Tuesday, July 5th, 2005

Because I’m both both a libertarian and famous for conducting a
successful propaganda campaign, libertarian activists sometimes come
to me for tactical advice. During a recent email exchange, one of these
criticized me for wishing (as he thought) to “punish” the Islamist
enemies of the U.S. and Western civilization.
I explained that I have no desire to punish the [...]