There is no such thing as ’social gambling.’ Either you are there to cut the other bloke’s heart out and eat it – or you’re a sucker. If you don’t like this choice – don’t gamble.

—Lazarus Long

Archive for April, 2006

Memetic Success

Sunday, April 30th, 2006

Bwahahaha! My sinister master plan for world domination is
working. Straight from the pages of the highest-quality general-news
magazine in English, check
this out! The money ‘graf is the last one:

Moreover, the ease with which the internet spreads
wrong-headedness–to say nothing of lies and slander–is offset by the
ease with which it spreads insights and ideas. [...]

In the Belly of the Beast

Monday, April 17th, 2006

In the beautiful-irony department, I have just learned that my name
and copyright now appears in the EULA (End-User License Agreement) of
a Microsoft product. A vector-graphics editor called “Microsoft
Expressions”, apparently — thanks to Martin Dawson for the

The history behind this is that GIFLIB is open-source software for
hacking GIF images — the direct ancestor of libungif, [...]

Apologists for Islam

Friday, April 14th, 2006

Since I posted Dan Simmons’s
Message From The Future, I’ve had a couple of Muslims show up on this
blog protesting that I’ve got it all wrong, that Islam is a peaceful
and tolerant religion and Islamic terror is an aberration not sanctioned
by the Koran.
Here’s a challenge to all you apologists for Islam: stand up in
your mosque and [...]

My Comment Policy

Monday, April 10th, 2006

I deleted a coment this morning.
This is not something I normally do, except for comments that are both anonymous and content-free — abuse and invective do not count as ‘content’ for this purpose. The comment I deleted this morning was not anonymous, and it could be argued that there was some content in it.
However, [...]

Dan Simmons’s message from the future

Thursday, April 6th, 2006

I very seldom post just to forward my readers to someone else’s writing, but SF author Dan Simmons has earned it with this potent warning. Read the whole thing. Because it is indeed our future, unless we wake up.