And still another – See to it that she has her own desk – then keep your hands off it!

—Lazarus Long

Archive for July, 2009

GPSD-NG: A Case Study in Application Protocol Evolution

Thursday, July 30th, 2009

I’ve been doing some serious redesign work on GPSD recently. I had planned to do a blog posting about lessons learned, but the result grew enough length and structure to turn into an actual technical paper. You can read it here; comments and criticism will be welcomed.
Note, everything described in the paper has [...]

A Midsummer’s Light Posting

Tuesday, July 28th, 2009

I’ve not been blogging much lately for two reasons. One: vacation. I went to sword camp (formally, “Polaris Summer Weapons Retreat”) again this year, had great time with friends, learned how to fight using a glaive (a form of bladed polearm). Two: heavy technical work. I’ve been designing and implementing a [...]

In which I am thankful for Barack Obama’s election

Friday, July 10th, 2009

I’ve been trying to buy a gun recently, a better carry weapon (and by “better” I mean more concealable than what I have now and in my favorite caliber). My friends, I am here to tell you that this is an awful time to be in the market for a firearm; they are scarce [...]

Political Economics 101: A Dialog

Tuesday, July 7th, 2009

Attached is a slightly cleaned-up transcript of an IRC conversation I had last night during which I tried to teach political economics 101 to a well-intentioned person I know who describes himself as a “socialist” (though, from the way he reacted, perhaps not for much longer). It went better than one might have expected.
I [...]

The Hand-Reared Cat

Wednesday, July 1st, 2009

In a recent comment, I wrote:

Oddly enough, our cat often does come when called, and is rather good at figuring out what humans want and doing it. A few days ago a photographer came out here to take snaps of me for an AP story on NedaNet and was quite startled when I asked the [...]