
Posts published in October, 2007

By Ryan Hagen October 31, 2007, 3:38 pm

Scarier Halloween Costume: A Pirate, or Kim Jong-il?

Yesterday, a U.S. Navy destroyer helped the crew of a North Korean freighter recapture their vessel from a band of marauding pirates off the coast of Somalia. It’s an unusual news item, not because piracy is rare — around the world, pirate attacks have surged over the last decade — but because we’re more used [...]

By Stephen J. Dubner October 31, 2007, 1:38 pm

The View From Mexico City

I was in Mexico City the other day, giving a talk at a conference sponsored by the Mexican Stock Exchange, which is considering going public. The conference was primarily an educational one (except for my talk). Among the big issues of the day: offering Mexican investors some of the shiny financial instruments that Americans are [...]

By Stephen J. Dubner October 31, 2007, 11:07 am

Scott Adams Answers Your Dilbert Questions, and More

(Photo: Scott Adams)
Last week, we solicited your questions for Dilbert creator and author Scott Adams. Here are his answers. They are great, and so were your questions; thanks to Scott and thanks to you. Here’s what I found most interesting:
1. From his answers, Scott Adams would appear to be a poster boy (poster man?) for [...]

By Steven D. Levitt October 31, 2007, 9:33 am

More on the Spinning Dancer

An interesting article written by Jeremy Hsu on Scienceline.org does further damage to the Spinning Dancer’s already damaged reputation.

By Freakonomics October 31, 2007, 9:30 am

The FREAK-est Links

Magazine introduces “pay what you want” subscriptions. (Earlier)
Which U.S. natural disasters have been the most expensive? (Earlier)
Do “superagents” really exist in professional sports?
Could Google’s slides spell the end of PowerPoint? (Earlier)

By Steven D. Levitt October 30, 2007, 10:46 pm

Gary Becker Wins the Presidential Medal of Freedom

Congratulations to my friend and colleague Gary Becker who will receive the 2007 Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian award. He’ll have to find a place in his trophy cabinet, which already has a Nobel Prize, a National Medal of Science, the John Bates Clark Medal, and sixteen honorary doctorates.
No economist of Becker’s [...]

By Stephen J. Dubner October 30, 2007, 2:58 pm

On the Legalization — or Not — of Marijuana

I have a favorite thought exercise: look at an issue that’s important, complex, and interesting — something like healthcare, education, or electoral politics — and pretend that you could rebuild the system from scratch, without the convoluted histories and incentives that currently exist.
What would the new system look like? How differently would you think about [...]

By Stephen J. Dubner October 30, 2007, 1:30 pm

Warning: Racially Offensive Furniture

Some Red Sox fans are doubly happy this week: not only did their team win a World Series, but they also get a rebate on the furniture they bought during a special Red Sox incentive deal last spring.
Hopefully none of them got a brown couch whose color is described, on its tag, with the use [...]

By Stephen J. Dubner October 30, 2007, 11:57 am

FREAK-TV: Stacking the Deck


It is fairly well known by now that Levitt has more than a passing interest in poker, and he’s occasionally shown some promise.
(His blackjack skills, meanwhile, are subject to debate.)
It is also well-established that, as a parent, he’s less interested in reading a standard bedtime story than in teaching his kids to think creatively [...]

By Steven D. Levitt October 30, 2007, 10:46 am

Did Banning Lead Lower Crime?

The major news media (see for instance here and here) have been reporting recently on the hypothesis that banning lead from gasoline caused a reduction in crime. This follows a similar article in the Washington Post a few months ago, which I blogged about at the time.
Since a lot of people have written to us [...]

By Freakonomics October 30, 2007, 10:33 am

The FREAK-est Links

Huge percentage of world’s births & deaths go undocumented.
Making your baby smarter: the myths continue. (Earlier)
Should paying line-standers to hold seats at Congressional hearings be banned?
Happiness levels linked to race. (Earlier)

By Steven D. Levitt October 29, 2007, 3:10 pm

Organic Beef Jerky?

I saw some “organic beef jerky” at the grocery store today.
Are there actually people who eat beef jerky who care whether it is organic?
Next up we’ll have organic chewing tobacco and organic Pringles.

By Stephen J. Dubner October 29, 2007, 11:40 am

Do Political Parties Matter?

That’s the question asked by the Wharton economists Fernando Ferreira and Joseph Gyourko. But they are not talking about national political parties. In that realm, party affiliation has indeed been shown to have a strong effect on legislation and policy. No, Ferreira and Gyourko are interested in whether party affiliation matters on the local level [...]

By Steven D. Levitt October 29, 2007, 9:22 am

Only in Los Angeles

I made a quick visit to Los Angeles last week, in an attempt to jump start my languishing acting career. (I’ll let you figure out whether I’m joking. If you aren’t sure, ask someone who knows me.) Here’s how I always know I am in L.A., and not at the University of Chicago:
1. Everyone [...]

By Freakonomics October 29, 2007, 9:18 am

The FREAK-est Links

Female economist works to found Ethiopian commodities market. (Earlier)
Nintendo decides against Wii price cut. (Earlier)
Sports fans convinced their actions can bring good luck to their teams.
Stanford professor to lecture on “a world without agriculture.”

About Freakonomics

Stephen J. Dubner is an author and journalist who lives in New York City.

Bio | Contact

Steven D. Levitt is a professor of economics at the University of Chicago.

Bio | Contact

Their book Freakonomics has sold 3 million copies worldwide. This blog, begun in 2005, is meant to keep the conversation going. Recurring guest bloggers include Ian Ayres, Jessica Hagy, Daniel Hamermesh, Sudhir Venkatesh, and Justin Wolfers.

Annika Mengisen is the site editor.



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