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Archive for: August, 2009

Yale’s Cowardice

Yale University Press bans the publication of any picture of Muhammad from a book it is set to publish.

Heckler gets tossed Out

Claude Cartaginese – NRB/DTN

Claude Cartaginese is a contributor to Frontpage Magazine, DiscoverTheNetworks and NewsReal Blog. In what little spare time he has he enjoys lifting weights, reading and studying foreign languages.
Beats: Primarily Amy Goodman’s Democracy Now!, occasionally Chris Matthews’Hardball and Huckabee.
Issue Specialties: Foreign Affairs.

Bernie Goldberg Breaks CBS Liberal Bias Story

Glenn Beck Show Two Long Special

Remembering the Dissident

Alexander Solzhenitsyn died several months ago, on August 3, 2008, at the age of 89. Frontpage Symposium has gathered a distinguished panel to discuss the significance of the dissident’s life and work. Our guests are:
Natan Sharansky, a former Soviet dissident and political prisoner who is the co- author (with Ron Dermer) of The Case For Democracy: [...]

Glenn Beck Long Special

Obama’s Communist Advisor and His Billion-Dollar Army NewsReal Blog

Obama’s Communist Advisor and His Billion-Dollar Army
2009 AUGUST 25
I’m in NY where I’ll be headed to the Fox studios in a few hours to tape the “Glenn Beck Show.” The segment I’m doing will be aired Thursday as part of a week-long series called “The New Republic,” which is Glenn’s look at the radical agendas of [...]

Conservative Club Derecognized Over Horowitz

Central Michigan University has derecognized and revoked the registered student organization privileges of Campus Conservatives for hosting nationally-known conservative author and commentator David Horowitz.

Jacob Laksin

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