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Archive for: September, 2009

Brooklyn jihad suspect “became interested in the Koran and said he wanted to dedicate his life to God”

I happened to see that Jihad Watch readers in this thread were discussing this story, and noticed in it a detail that wasn’t in the story I posted about this last week. He became interested in the Koran and eventually tried to join a jihad terrorist group. Why did someone…

Obama, The Mortal by Charles Krauthammer

September 4, 2009
Obama, The Mortal
By Charles Krauthammer
WASHINGTON — What happened to President Obama? His wax wings having melted, he is the man who fell to earth. What happened to bring his popularity down further than that of any new president in polling history save Gerald Ford (post-Nixon pardon)?
The conventional wisdom is that Obama made a [...]

The Brainy Bunch – by Thomas Sowell

What good are smarts if they are put toward a dumb ideology?

Where Are The Body Bags?

Virtually every day during the Iraq War when George Bush was president, the New York Times featured a dead soldier, or many dead soldiers, on its front page. Every day the paper tugged at the heart-strings of Americans at home for their young men and women sent to die by a presidential liar for “no [...]

There Are Serious Fascists In America

But they’re on the political left. I wrote yesterday about Glenn Beck’s feature on the violent demonstration by leftists in Pittsburgh (which was covered up by the New York Times and the rest of the left-wing media.) He also reported on the bombing of a radio tower in the State of Washington by the Earth [...]

Glenn Beck: Who is Valerie Jarrett

Obama adviser makes Judicial’s Watch list of top 10 most corrupt politicians.

Climate control debate heats up in the Senate-Reuters

Climate control debate heats up in the Senate
Wed Sep 30, 2009 8:47pm EDT 
By Richard Cowan
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama’s drive to fight global warming got a boost on Wednesday as Democrats in the U.S. Senate unveiled a bill aimed at slashing greenhouse gas emissions in the next four decades.
The plan aims to cut carbon [...]

The Village Voice Continues to Blow Smoke To Smear Horowitz

So the Village Voice has a deceitful response to David Horowitz, who called them out on their smear. Rather than address Horowitz’s critique (that the Voice tried to depict him as a racist), Roy Edroso instead tries to further muddy the waters:

We have Horowitz saying, “Hill is one of a community of black intellectuals promoted well [...]

Surprise! Western powers give Iran its next deadline to come clean on nuke program

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” – Albert Einstein Deadlines are a convenient, renewable resource in foreign policy. They give the appearance that action is being taken, and they buy time before having to do something more substantial….


Obama talks Afghanistan with advisers on war in Afghanistan

more about “Breaking News-Strategic Meeting-FOXNe…“, posted with vodpod

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