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Archive for: December, 2009

My Review of “A Cracking of the Heart” Published at Right Wing News

Today John Hawkins at Right Wing News was kind enough to publish my review of David Horowitz’s A Cracking of the Heart. Here’s an excerpt:
Meet the late Sarah Horowitz, child of political activist David Horowitz, who managed to fuse the painful lessons of her father’s life with a mystical Judaism to complete the task he [...]

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  1. Pajamas Media Reviews “A Cracking of the Heart”
  2. NRO’s Nordlinger reviews “Cracking of the Heart”
  3. A Video Review of "A Cracking of the Heart"

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Open Thread

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Thai jihadis ring in the new year with…more jihad terror

For a jihadist, nothing says “Happy New Year” like a few drive-by shootings! “Six killed in new attacks in Thai south: police,” from AFP, December 31 (thanks to Maxwell): PATTANI, Thailand — Suspected Islamist militants killed two soldiers and four civilians in drive-by shootings in the latest violence to rock…

MSNBC’s Barnicle and Senator Whitehouse: the GOP is Aryans and Birthers

MsNBC’s Mike Barnicle agrees with the ‘crazy talk’ of Sen. Whitehouse that GOP Obamacare rejectors are Aryans and Birthers.

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  2. MSNBC Hosts Taking Orders from White House
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Muslims with clubs and axes attack showing of “Jesus” film in Pakistan

And once again Muslim authorities refused to act against the Islamic supremacists. Islamic Tolerance Alert: “Church screening of ‘Jesus’ film attacked in Pakistan,” from The Christian Messenger, December 29 (thanks to Winoceros): AS many as 50 Muslim villagers armed with clubs and axes recently attacked a showing of the ‘Jesus’…

Dhimmi megachurch pastor Rick Warren hurting for money

Megachurch Pastor Rick Warren Asks for Urgent Donations “With 10 percent of our church family out of work due to the recession, our expenses in caring for our community in 2009 rose dramatically while our income stagnated,” says Rick Warren. Say, Rick, if you’re that hard up, why don’t you…

Misunderstanders of Islam attack security forces in Nigeria, 70 killed

They reject “any literature except the Koran,” recalling the immortal phrase attributed to the Caliph Umar (but probably apocryphal), on the occasion of the burning of the library of Alexandria: “If the book agree with the Koran, they are superfluous. If they disagree with the Koran, they are heretical.” “70…

Good News: Horrific Homeland Security Secretary Could Become Supreme Court Justice from Hell

Appearing on Laura Ingraham’s radio show earlier this month, NBC White House correspondent Chuck Todd surprised the popular host by saying he believes President Obama could very well nominate Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano for the Supreme Court next time a vacancy comes up.
I know what you’re thinking. “That has to be a joke, right?” [...]

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  2. Obama Politicizes Christmas Day Terror Attack, Blacklists Fox News
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Finland: Albanian Muslim kills five people in mall shooting spree

Opposing jihad is racism Of course, we know that all Albanian Muslims are modern, moderate and secular, and so this guy doubtless had some other motive. And maybe he did. But it must be admitted that there is an unusually high correlation between Islamic faith and people who just…

Before Media Matters, there was Group Research, Inc. (part two)

It feels strange writing about the left’s countless vain attempts to silence conservative talk radio, on the morning after Rush Limbaugh was hospitalized with chest pains.
As I write this, his condition has been upgraded from “serious” to “stable”, and a statement at says the veteran host is “resting comfortably” and “appreciates your prayers [...]

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  1. Before Media Matters, there was Group Research, Inc. (part one)
  2. Media Matters Admits Racist Rush Quotes "Were not Necessarily Accurate"
  3. At Media Matters, ‘Firing Squad’ Wears the Blindfolds
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