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Archive for: January, 2010

Trading Sex For Healthcare Reform

“What would you withhold from someone who opposes
health care reform? Cookies, a Christmas gift, sex?”
Are you withholding sex for healthcare reform? If not, you haven’t seen the latest Rock the Vote (RTV) video rallying support for President Obama’s heathcare agenda. RTV, one of the most influential youth-targeted organizations working “to achieve progressive change in our [...]

Is the Internet Destroying Our Lives or Enriching Them?

My friend Douglas Rushkoff, author of the must-read book Life Inc., has a new documentary on PBS on February 2 at 9:00 PM EST. It’s called Digital Nation and is about the effects of the internet on our culture and lives.
Salon has a story worth reading which interviews Rushkoff about this new project.
Let’s see, so [...]

A Wicked Man? No, a Fool with Wicked Ideas

I’ve been uncomfortable with one characterization in my blog on Howard Zinn, and have decided I want to correct and will ask our editor David Swindle to do so in the original text. This brief blog is by way of explanation. I’m uncomfortable with calling Zinn a “wicked man” and thereby putting him in the [...]

Behar and Whoopi: These Two Women Could Turn Me Into a Misogynist

From Lori Ziganto’s latest article at Right Wing News
Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar are an utter embarrassment to my gender. I find them offensive, as a woman. Idiocy, in action:

From NewsBusters:
On HLN’s Joy Behar Show on Thursday, Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg gave a racial explanation for Chris Matthews’ recent “I forgot he was black” remark [...]

UAE: Pakistani man beats wife to death for “disobedience”

There can be no truly frank and forthright discussion about domestic violence in Islamic societies without acknowledging the role of Qur’an 4:34: “Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property (for the support…

NewsReal Sunday: Pro-choice Groups Prove to Be Anti-Speech and Anti-Choice w/ Tebow Ad

Pro-choice groups are trying to silence Tebow ad, because they like to silence options and real choice.

Brainwashing America’s Youth: Obama Uses Public Schools To Indoctrinate Students; Required Reading: Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”

Like all radicals in positions of power, President Obama’s army of citizen volunteers, Organizing for America, is recruiting high school students as interns to organize the President’s agenda in the 2010 election cycle. I quote,
“Organizing for America, the successor organization to Obama for America, is building on the movement that elected President Obama by empowering [...]

Barack Obama: Sports Commentator, Duke Mojo Killer

It was supposed to be a good game.
The kids were napping as my husband and I ate lunch, enjoying some Newcastle, watching a decent match up of two top ten teams, Duke and Georgetown.  Until…Barack Obama, ubiquity personified, was revealed on the sidelines with his entourage: Joe Biden, David Axelrod, Robert Gibbs, and Reggie Love, [...]

Iran Away From Reality

- Bosch Fawstin

Jihadists plan attack with bombs inside their bodies, to foil new airport scanners

As I wrote here in December: “One thing we have seen over the years since 9/11 is that airport security is always one step behind the jihadists: after jihadist Richard Reid attempted to set off a bomb hidden in his shoes, we all have to take off our shoes and…

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