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Archive for: February, 2010

NewsReal Sunday: Children Are Never Punishment From God

Virginia Delegate Bob Marshall claimed disabled children could be a punishment of God for those who have abortions. Read why that is wrong from a biblical perspective.

Thug-In-Chief: Existence of Israel is insult to entire humanity

No. The existence of his genocidal, hateful regime, and his ideology of subjugation, violence, and hatred — that’s an insult to all of humanity. Note also the projection: he represents an expansionist, supremacist doctrine, as he himself has avowed, and he attributes this world-conquering imperative to Israel. “Existence of Zionist…

Feminists Mute on Slut TV, Yet We Have Them to Thank For It

Perhaps thank is the wrong word; we have Feminists to blame for the influx of Slut TV. Yet, their silence regarding the same is deafening. Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Rock of Love, The Bad Girls Club, even Mtv’s The Real World, all epitomize the very worst in female degradation and show just how much [...]

Iraqi bishop: Authorities have done nothing as over 680 Christian families have fled Mosul

Note to Baghdad: Saying you’re concerned, or saying you’re doing something won’t count as actually doing something. An update on this story. “Iraqi Christians protest over killing,” from BBC News, March 1: Hundreds of Iraqi Christians have taken part in protests calling for government action after a spate of killings….

Iraqi bishop: Authorities have done nothing as over 680 Christian families flee Mosul

Note to Baghdad: Saying you’re concerned, or saying you’re doing something won’t count as actually doing something. An update on this story. “Iraqi Christians protest over killing,” from BBC News, March 1: Hundreds of Iraqi Christians have taken part in protests calling for government action after a spate of killings….

Iran intel top dog urges “media intifada” against Israel

You mean, as opposed to the one they’re already waging? “Iran Spy Chief Urges Media Intifada Against Israel,” from Eurasia Review, February 28: Iran’s Minister of Intelligence, Heidar Moslehi on Sunday urged Muslim nations to set up a ‘Media Intifada’ against Israel, the state news agency ILNA reported. Addressing the…

Saudi Arabia: Jihad against infidels on bicycles

Who wouldn’t want non-Muslims on the Arabian Peninsula? Well, Muhammad, for one: “I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslim.” – Sahih Muslim 19.4366. Islamic Tolerance Alert. “British cyclist “deliberately run down” in Saudi Arabia,” by Andrew Alderson for the…

U.K.: Islamic Forum of Europe, named in attempts to infiltrate Labour Party, “inextricably linked” to East London mosque

But despite the involvement of multiple directors and trustees of the mosque in IFE, we’re assured it’s a positively teensy minority of extremists there who support the IFE’s work. More on this story. “Inextricably linked to controversial mosque: the secret world of IFE,” by Andrew Gilligan for the Telegraph, February…

Islamic Forum of Europe, named in attempts to infiltrate Labour Party, “inextricably linked” to East London mosque

But despite the involvement of multiple directors and trustees of the mosque in IFE, we’re assured it’s a positively teensy minority of extremists there who support the IFE’s work. More on this story. “Inextricably linked to controversial mosque: the secret world of IFE,” by Andrew Gilligan for the Telegraph, February…

Qaddafi: “We reject terrorism and we do not abandon Jihad”

Yes, but jihad to what end? If Qaddafi means jihad in order to subjugate non-Muslims and women under the hegemony of Islamic law, then he ought to be opposed just as energetically, if not more so, than if he had endorsed terrorist acts. The focus in the West has been…

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