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Archive for: March, 2010

Kashmir: “We are ready for jihad, we are ready for jihad!”

Misunderstanders of Islam gather together and misunderstand the inner spiritual struggle. “Pakistani hardliners vow holy war to liberate Kashmir,” by Sajjad Qayyum for AFP, March 23: KOTLI, Pakistan — Pakistani hardliners on Tuesday vowed to wage a holy war to liberate the disputed Himalayan state of Kashmir from Indian control….

US Navy warning: Jihadists threaten ships off Yemen

Emboldened by Western weakness. “US Navy warns al-Qaida threatens ships off Yemen,” from AP, March 23 (thanks to John): CAIRO – The U.S. Navy is warning of possible al-Qaida attacks against ships off the coast of Yemen, where an offshoot of the terrorist network has established a significant base of…

Al-Qaeda in Iraq top dog says the jihad will go on

Not giving up. “Al-Qaida leader in Iraq calls for continued jihad,” from AP, March 23: CAIRO — The self-described leader of an al-Qaida front group has called for continued jihad against Iraq’s American “occupiers” after the March 7 election that he claims was boycotted by most Sunni Arabs. In a…

A Statement from Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer of the Freedom Defense Initiative

It has come to our attention today that Martin Mawyer, who had been scheduled to appear with us at the premiere of Islam Rising in Los Angeles on May 1, has had attributed to him a series of offensive anti-gay statements made in 1997. While we don’t expect to agree…

Americans, Get Up & FIGHT

Saudi writer faces blasphemy charges for calling a hadith “barbaric”

Unfortunately, there’s no word from this report or from Arab News, cited below, about which hadith is at issue, or which collection (Bukhari, Muslim, etc.). Or course, there are plenty to choose from, whether it be the ones about Aisha’s age at marriage, the murder of K’ab bin Ashraf, or…

US mulling nuke deal with Pakistan to overcome “trust deficit”

Shouldn’t Pakistan be working to show the U.S. that it is trustworthy, and not the other way around? “US says it is open to nuke deal with Pakistan,” by Chidanand Rajghatta for the Times of India, March 22: WASHINGTON: Amid reports of massive 16-20 hour power outages across Pakistan causing…

Pakistani Christian dies after being burned alive by police for refusing to convert to Islam

The silence from Pakistani authorities is deafening. An update on this story. “Punjab: Christian burned alive dies, Christian community calls for justice,” by Fareed Khan for Asia News, March 23: Islamabad (AsiaNews) – Arshed Masih died last night in hospital from the serious injuries – burns covering 80% of his…

The Path to ObamaCare Has Revealed the Sickness of Left-Wing Governance

In the wake of ObamaCare’s victory and the ugliness of its path to the president’s desk, it’s hard not to conclude that there’s no longer anything particularly “democratic” about the Democratic Party.  That’s the subject of Tunku Varadarajan’s latest musings on the Daily Beast:
Americans have witnessed, in the last days, an ugly and extraordinary display [...]

The Health Care Battle Will Continue Until At Least 2012

The health care battle isn’t quite over. Many states are going to fight it as unconstitutional, and the GOP is on track to win the Senate in November, as I wrote on February 26. The trend for the Democratic candidates is still downwards and probably can’t be stopped or reversed by November. A Senate and/or House [...]

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