Review & Outlook

Review & Outlook

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    The Dodd Bill and U.S. Competitiveness

    By Paul Singer
    Its new taxes and regulations will make the U.S. an unattractive jurisdiction for financial companies.

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    America's New Nuclear Option

    By Steven Chu
    Small modular reactors will expand the ways we use atomic power.

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    Notable & Quotable

    Victor Davis Hanson says we're in the most partisan age since Vietnam.

  • A Soldier's Story

    By Bing West
    In "Kaboom," Matt Gallagher describes his life as a platoon leader in Iraq in 2007-08.

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    The WSJ Guide to ObamaCare

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    The WSJ Guide to Climate Change

    A collection of our editorials and op-eds.

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    The Netanyahu Diaries

    By Bret Stephens
    What Israel's prime minister really thinks.

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  • Dems Misrepresent CBO Savings Numbers; CBS Ignores

    The Media Research Center
    The $1.2 trillion savings figure is nowhere to be found in the CBO report.

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  • The Journal Editorial Report

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    A transcript of the weekend's program:
    A debate on the "al Qaeda Seven" ad. Plus the student-loan power grab and Gov. Mitch Daniels on how ObamaCare would affect Indiana. Tune in this weekend for more: FOX News Channel, Saturday 2 p.m. and 11 p.m. ET.

    The Journal Editorial Report Podcast.

    (This iTunes link is compatible with Internet Explorer 7, Safari and Firefox browsers.)

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  • We speak for free markets and free people, the principles, if you will, marked in the watershed year of 1776 by Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence and Adam Smith's "Wealth of Nations." So over the past century and into the next, the Journal stands for free trade and sound money; against confiscatory taxation and the ukases of kings and other collectivists; and for individual autonomy against dictators, bullies and even the tempers of momentary majorities.

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