Kamangir (Archer)

June 19, 2005

Damn Democracy

Filed under: Iran — Kamangir @ 2:57 am

Democracy is a weird thing. I know no better way to govern a country, but democracy has its own surprises. Koroush is right, we reduced people to what we presumed them to be.
I model a humna being as a subspace of R^n. Each man or woman has got a set of vectors, based on which he or she defines his or her world. When we face a new challenge, the trivial way is to project the problem into our own coordinate system. This is what intellectuals did in Iran. Irainans are living in poverty. They need jobs. Although, religion is always an essential part of an Irainan family (there are rare families that do nothing in Ramadan, at least they fast for a few days or give am Eftar party), it is essential for them to make ends meet. Ahmadian gave them the money and they sacrificed freedom for it.
Lets try to understand Iranians, before trying to govern them.

June 5, 2005

“Helping” the Children Find the Path

Filed under: Iran — Kamangir @ 4:56 pm

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