Kamangir (Archer)

March 31, 2008

On Discrimination in the US and in Iran

Filed under: Features, Human Rights, Iran, Lead Story, Video of the Day — Kamangir @ 7:10 pm


The sign reads, “No service to people with loose veil, not even to our old customers”. This sign I wish was rare in Iran, but it isn’t. The fact is, there are stickers which carry the same message and are printed by the Police. These stickers are widely used all over Iran and their use has been mandated by the Police in many instances. You may also remember the hospital which mandated the veil as the condition for service to patients.

The following video is rather old. At the first sight, it might seem to be providing proof that discrimination does exist widely in the US. Watching the video till the end, however, my catch was that discrimination does exist over there, as it exists in every corner of the world, but with the heartwarming observation that ordinary people oppose to it and choose to boycott the offender. Whereas, in Iran, discrimination is a daily practice prescribed by the government and followed by the nation. At best, the Iranian nation is ignorant, and that’s when you do not take into consideration the fact that discriminatory judgments have become a part of the Iranian moral code: “women with loose veil are perverts”. Similar observation can be made regarding judgments against people with different sexual orientations, minority religious groups, etc.

My conclusion is, when left alone to decide for themselves, people everywhere in the world are for justice and peace. Propaganda and political agenda, however, agitate people and turn them into discriminators, for obvious goals of the leading gang.

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(direct link to video)

I literally cried, wishing my country was like this.

March 27, 2008

Islam or Islamic Ideology, which one is the problem Mr. Wilders?

Filed under: Features, Human Rights, Islam, Lead Story, Video of the Day — Kamangir @ 6:08 pm

March 9, 2008

Video of the Day: Outrageous Police Violence in Iran

Filed under: Human Rights, Iran, Islamic Republic, Video of the Day — Kamangir @ 12:58 am

March 8, 2008

Donate Your Kidney, to fight Israel

Filed under: Iran, Islamic Republic, Israel — Kamangir @ 1:42 pm

March 5, 2008

Ten Topmost Persian Blogs, and more

Filed under: Blogging, Features, KiBeKi, Lead Story — Kamangir @ 9:45 pm

Video of the Day: Unrest in Shiraz University

Filed under: Human Rights, Iran, Islamic Republic, Video of the Day — Kamangir @ 12:56 pm

March 4, 2008

Important Notice about Project Didish

Filed under: Didish — Kamangir @ 1:44 am

March 3, 2008

Picture of the Day: Worshiping Atoms

Filed under: Humour, Iran, Picture of the Day — Kamangir @ 11:33 am

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