Serbs Out . . . KLA In

Brit Secretary of State for Defense George Robertson summed up his country’s war aims succinctly and, as it turned out, all-too-accurately: "Serbs out, NATO in, refugees back." Tens of thousands of Serbs are fleeing "liberated" Kosovo, as the KLA sweeps in ahead of NATO and the film of ethnic cleansing rolls in reverse. One of [...]

Murray Rothbard On War

These edited extracts, from an interview in the February 1973 issue of Reason magazine, first ran in the June 1999 issue of The Rothbard-Rockwell Report, published by the Center for Libertarian Studies. The introduction is taken from "Murray N. Rothbard: A Legacy of Liberty," by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. and is reprinted with the [...]