Weapons of Mass Delusion

President Bush told the world that Saddam’s alleged WMDs directly threatened the U.S. Now that the war is over and no arsenal was found, where does that leave America? Months before the horror of 9-11, Secretary of State Colin Powell defended a recent air strike against Iraq during a press conference in Cairo, Egypt. [...]

How Osama Got His Way

And to think some of you had less than a high opinion of Mr Rumsfeld. No doubt contrition consumes you, as the United States announces that it\’s, more or less, going to withdraw from the Saudi bases it formally established after the previous Iraq war, and, of course, she\’s not looking to set up new [...]

Neocons in Denial

One of the major accomplishments of this site, aside from keeping our readers up-to-the-minute on what’s really happening in Iraq, has been to educate the public about who brought us this war, and why. We have held, from the beginning, that war on Iraq did not and does not serve American interests, and we have [...]

Is Somalia a Model?

The conventional wisdom during periods of transition – or revolution if the term is appropriate, as may well be – is that the most important priority is to establish order. Disorder, on this understanding, is pretty close to the natural condition of man, especially in times of stress and uncertainty. So U.S. military [...]

Keep the United Nations out of Iraq – and America

As the heaviest fighting in Iraq comes to a close, questions about what kind of government will be established dominate the news. Looting and lawlessness are the order of the day in the inevitable vacuum created by the removal of Saddam Hussein. Not surprisingly, the United Nations – at the urging of France, Germany, [...]

Oh, Shi’ite!

Ah, the fruits of victory. Uncle Sam promised the Iraqis democracy, and now they actually want it – long enough to elect an ayatollah, anyway. The Iranians, far from being discouraged, now cast an acquisitive eye on their western suburbs. The liberated Kurds are busy emulating Saddam. Instead of becoming Amway salesmen, the Taliban [...]

Santorum’s Sins

We’re all supposed to be oh-so-exercised over Senator Rick Santorum’s apparent distaste for homosexuality, but pardon me if I yawn. Who really cares – surely not a single self-respecting homo of my acquaintance – especially when, on another front, Santorum is spearheading the most direct assault on free thought since … oh, I don’t know. [...]

The Real Crisis

North Korea could nuke California – but do we really have to cite recent polls showing the increasing popularity of the GOP in the Golden State to deter the President from writing us off? The North Korean challenge to this administration far surpasses anything we have faced in the post-cold war era. The widely [...]

Know Thine Enemy

Now that the war\’s over and wrapped up well within the 6 weeks some of us (ahem) predicted, and rapidly rushing off the front pages, what, before it becomes sooo mid-March, is there for us all to agree on? Very simply this: the neoconservatives were behind it. They like to boast this, their antiwar opponents [...]

Occupation by Bad Example

Struggling to impose order and democratic rule in Afghanistan, the US has now moved on to the equally great challenge of keeping "liberated" Iraq in one piece. This formidable task involves ensuring that various ethnic, political and religious groups (Kurds and Arabs, Sunnis and Shiites, etc.) refrain from intimidation, internecine warfare and revenge killings. [...]