The Maverick Feingold and the Dissenting Feingold

In the run up to the national antiwar mobilizations of February 15-16, Rabbi Michael Lerner, editor of Tikkun, a liberal Jewish magazine, complained that at previous major rallies speakers had subjected the crowd to "a barrage of Israel bashing," "the emotional climate at these demonstrations has been one that most Jews I have encountered find [...]

A Sino-Russian Bloc?

While the US ruminates over North Korea’s chest thumping and posturing, China has already turned away from the mess on the peninsula and is sidling up next to its new buddy in the world, Russia. Presidents Hu Jintao and Vladimir Putin met this week and shook hands for the world to see while [...]

We Were Right

It was a glorious victory, proclaimed by none other than our conquering commander-in-chief as he zoomed onto the deck of the U.S.S. Lincoln: we had "prevailed" in the war against Iraq, and the pro-war pundits, drunk with bloodlust, were delirious with joy. They had been proven right! Now, it would only be a matter of [...]

Bosnia’s Founding Stepfather

To End A War, by Richard Holbrooke New York, Random House, June 1998, 432 pages (hardcover) Few things have been as grossly misunderstood as the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia-Herzegovina, commonly known by its birthplace as "Dayton." Agreed at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base outside Dayton, Ohio and initialed in Paris, [...]

A Victory for Peace

Good news – for once! Indeed, we haven’t had any of that since 9/11. I’m happy – nay, ecstatic – to report that the much-ballyhooed attack on Iraq has been indefinitely "postponed." As we are informed by the Washington Post [May 24]: "The uniformed leaders of the U.S. military believe they have persuaded the Pentagon’s [...]

Despite Thin Intelligence Reports, US Plans To Overthrow Iranian Regime

Here we go again. While postwar Iraq continues to crumble, the Bush administration is now setting its sights on a new target – Iran – in its so-called effort to reshape most of the Middle East and bring democracy to countries ruled by vicious dictators. But the Bush administration is again relying on flimsy evidence [...]

Who\’s Scared of Euroland?

Changing Conservatives In opposition the Tory party is a marvelous beast. All those principles which, when in power, we sacrificed in favour of what seemed like the \’sensible\’ policies required for governing, well see how we love them now. Adamantine we are in our defence of the Union, or against European encroachments on British sovereignty, [...]

On To Tehran?

Okay, let’s play "Name That Nation": Al Qaeda is supposedly hiding there, the country’s rulers are fast developing "weapons of mass destruction," and the population, we are told, longs for "liberation." No, it’s not Iraq before the recent war, but Iran before the next war. How long before is an open question…. All the stories [...]

Lie and Conquer

The British Empire, at the peak of its expansion, was credited for developing the "divide and conquer" military strategy. I wonder how history will remember the United States’ imperialist policies – "lie and conquer"? Perhaps. "September 11 has changed the world" we are constantly reminded. That was a lie. The truth [...]

Annika and Peace

I can’t say that I went out of my way to immerse myself in the media frenzy over golf star Annika Sorenstam playing with the men late last week, so I could have missed it. But in all the discussion of the greater significance of the event, I don’t think I heard anybody [...]