Attorneys, Rights Groups Slam Gitmo Tribunals

The first of the criminal military hearings for detainees at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, ended this week amidst complaints from defense lawyers about lack of resources and harsh criticism from human rights groups. Even before the hearings began on Tuesday, they were mired in controversy with organizations such as the American Civil Liberties Union and [...]

Iraqi Prison Horrors Pervasive, Says Attorney

While the latest reports investigating the widely condemned events at Abu Ghraib prison attempt to close the book on the Pentagon’s culpability with a somber critique, new evidence gathered for a class action lawsuit filed against two U.S.-based private contractors could prove that the scandal at Abu Ghraib was far from an isolated series of [...]

Bush’s ‘War on Terror’: No Lack of Imagination

AIPAC’s Overt and Covert Ops

CBS is reporting that a Defense Intelligence Agency analyst detailed to Undersecretary of Defense for Planning Douglas Feith’s Office of Special Plans is under FBI investigation for spying for Israel. The person passed to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) confidential documents, including those detailing Bush administration policy toward Iran, and AIPAC then passed [...]

‘That Real Old Stuff’

The hoo-ha about John Kerry’s Vietnam War record reminds me of a conversation I had with a teenage baby-sitter back in the 1960s when the war was actually going on in Vietnam. The girl had brought her high-school history book with her, so I asked her if she liked history. "It’s OK," she said, "except [...]

The Axis of Treason

The death agony of the neoconservatives is going to be a prolonged and quite ugly procedure, painful not only for them but for the entire country – which will learn, to its chagrin and growing anger, how and by whom they were lied into war. It started late Friday, when Lesley Stahl of CBS News [...]

Oops, We’ll Do It Again?

Soon after the Warsaw Pact collapsed in 1989, Bush the Elder began retrieving the thousands of "tactical" nukes we had forward deployed in NATO countries for use against invading Warsaw Pact armies. Did the Soviet Union follow suit? Well, no. It turns out that, although the Soviet Union had more than 15,000 tactical nukes for [...]

Backtalk, August 30, 2004

Against Bush, but Not for KerryI love this site. I visit it all the time. I agree with you in part on John Kerry. He doesn’t excite me. But Bush is terrifying. He exhibits all of the classic traits of a megalomaniac. He is inflexible, and demonstrates almost a sadism about life in general.He is [...]

The Hijacking of the Republican Party

The traditional principles of the Republican Party have in the past several years been subordinated to a more intrusive domestic policy and an imperialistic foreign policy. Whereas a policy of less federal government intrusion into domestic personal affairs once held together most party adherents, now the party machinery has more recently been redirected to a [...]

Thank Government for the Mess We’re in

The first presidential election in the post–9/11 era has people thinking hitherto unthinkable thoughts: Should the election be postponed if a terrorist attack occurs before election day? What if there is an attack on election day? What happens if an attack takes the lives of the winner of the election and his running mate before [...]