Maoist Overture to Enter Nepal’s Mainstream Politics?

NEW DELHI – While India denies that its security agencies helped arrange meetings between a top Nepali Maoist leader and its political establishment, analysts welcome dialogue with the rebels as a key to ending a seemingly intractable crisis in the neighboring Himalayan kingdom. According to S.D. Muni, a widely acknowledged expert on Himalayan affairs, [...]

With Hand on Heart: Pelosi Admits Israel Comes First

“The lessons we should learn from all The fighting in the days of old When providence bestowed divine The sanctuary purified Let lightning circle all you hold And don’t uproot the olive grove.” – Mirah, “Jerusalem” I think it is finally time we stood up and thanked Rep. Nancy Pelosi, the darling Democrat from the [...]

Backtalk June 1, 2004

Is Bush a Sith Lord? Although I completely agree with the premise of the article “Is Bush a Sith Lord?,” I am concerned that you claimed that child protective services framed parents to justify a large bureaucracy. I work in public social services. We are devoted public servants. I have never in my 40+ years [...]

‘This Is the Freedom America Has Brought Us’

The mayhem continues in Iraq, with at least 40 people dead today including five U.S. soldiers in Diyala province, as the meltdown of the failed U.S.-led occupation continues. Two suicide bombers detonated themselves after walking into a crowd of police officers in Hilla, south of Baghdad. The policemen were demonstrating outside the mayor’s [...]

Honor Our Children’s Sacrifices

To honor those who have died in Iraq, Democracy Rising interviewed the founder of Gold Star Families for Peace – an organization made up of families who have lost members to the Iraq War. Cindy Sheehan lost her son, Casey, to the war/occupation and founded Gold Star Families for Peace. To learn more about their [...]

Why Did Feith Resign?

The headline of this New York Sun article by Eli Lake on the progress of the case [.pdf] against Lawrence A. Franklin, a Pentagon analyst accused of handing over sensitive information to Israel, has got to take the cake for sheer gall: “Pentagon Analyst In Israel Spy Case Is Called a ‘Patriot’”! You can’t make [...]

Bush Opts for Civil War in Iraq

What are we to make of the news reports that Baghdad is to be encircled and divided into smaller and smaller sections by 40,000 Iraqi and 10,000 U.S. troops backed by U.S. airpower and armor in order to conduct house-to-house searches throughout the city to destroy combatants? Is this generous notice of a massive offensive [...]

Iranian Nuclear Power Crazy? Think Again

Sir David King, her majesty’s chief scientist, has declared “global warming” to be a more serious threat to mankind than international terrorism. Hans Blix, former director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, concurs. James Lovelock, father of the Gaia hypothesis, thinks King and Blix – if anything – still underestimate the seriousness of the [...]

Preserve the Republic –
Scrap Real ID

Dear Senators and Congressmen: My father loved his country. In 1943, he volunteered for the Army Air Corps, and at age 19 became a B-17 aircraft commander. He flew 25 missions into the heart of Germany to help defeat the Third Reich and protect the American way of life. When I was a teenager, [...]

Asia, Eastern Europe Head for Showdown Over New UN Chief

UNITED NATIONS – When UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan was asked recently about his likely successor when he completes his second five-year term next year, the UN chief hinted at the possibility that an Asian might take over from him. "Yes, it is true that the secretary-general of the United Nations is elected on a [...]