Putin vs. the Neo-Comintern

The Comintern, or Communist International, also known as the Third International, was the 1919 creation of Vladimir Lenin. Its declared purpose: Fight “by all available means, including armed force, for the overthrow of the international bourgeoisie and for the creation of an international Soviet republic.” Fomenting the communist revolution worldwide was, in brief, [...]

Brave New Numbers

Manipulating the Bosnia Dead Tuesday’s Washington Post describes the wondrous successes of Bosnia as an example of how "active and sustained international intervention must be to rescue a failed state." In the staff editorial, the Post invokes the "bloody civil war that killed more than 200,000 people." Yet just last week, the mainstream media finally [...]

Bush’s Deadly Dance with Islamic Theocrats

During his embattled summer vacation in Crawford, Texas, George Bush managed to launch a new promotional ditty for his war in Iraq: “As Iraqis stand up, we will stand down.” Since then there has been much commentary from the administration, from military officials, and from the media on the question of how successfully the Iraqi [...]

Iraqi Hospitals Come Under Siege

With Harb al-Mukhtar RAMADI – Hospital personnel are reporting regular raids and interference by the U.S. military as fighting continues in the volatile al-Anbar province of Iraq. The U.S. raids come as the hospitals face an increasing lack of vital supplies and equipment. Two hospitals in Ramadi, about 70 miles west of the capital in [...]

Iraq’s Armed Forces Sinking Into Sectarian Chaos

While the George W. Bush administration launches a campaign to persuade the public that an accelerated buildup of Iraqi security forces will permit substantial numbers of U.S. troops to begin returning home next year, recent reports from Iraq suggest that the security forces – and their sectarian make-up – are themselves contributing to the country’s [...]

The World’s Most
Dangerous Man

As a groggy and very hung-over American hegemon wakes from a dream of imperial dominion and faces the harsh light of morning in war-torn Iraq, the cruel reality of what General William E. Odom calls "the greatest strategic disaster" in our history is beginning to dawn on our political and military elites. The U.S. Senate, [...]

Dirty Bomb Redux

On June 10, 2002, Attorney General John Ashcroft called a press conference in Moscow to announce that Abdullah al-Muhajir – AKA Jose Padilla – had been arrested more than a month earlier at O’Hare International Airport by the FBI on a "material witness" warrant. Quoth Ashcroft: "I am pleased to announce today a [...]

The Grave Threat Is the Bush Administration

According to news reports, at a U.S. Naval Academy speech on Wednesday, President Bush will announce plans for withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq. It will be diverting to watch the propagandists at Fox "News" flip-flop with the White House line and explain that now is the time to cut and run after all. A month [...]

US Can Head for the Exits in Iraq, but Shouldn’t the Flames Be Doused?


Was Cairo Meet First Step Toward Peace Talks?

The final communiqué of the Cairo Conference of Iraqi political groups last week appears to be a tentative first step in a process that could eventually lead to a peace settlement in Iraq. The Shi’ite leadership of Iraq may not be ready to negotiate with the Sunni insurgents yet, but its behavior at [...]