My President, Right or Wrong

Last week at the United Nations, Hugo Chávez, the president of Venezuela, called President George W. Bush “the devil” and complained he could still smell the sulfur. The reaction was immediate, visceral, and scary. Even the president’s most virulent enemies took umbrage. Charles Rangel, a liberal democrat from Harlem, raged, “You don’t come into my [...]

Bad Faith and the Destruction of Palestine

A mistake too often made by those examining Israel’s behavior in the occupied territories – or when analyzing its treatment of Arabs in general, or interpreting its view of Iran – is to assume that Israel is acting in good faith. Even its most trenchant critics can fall into this trap. Such a [...]

Not Worth a Camel

A deluge of experts, attracted by government money, is drowning Washington. So many elected and appointed officials know even less than the phony experts that it’s like a gold-rush town for the briefcase-toting fast-talkers. You, however, don’t need to be an expert – phony or genuine – to figure out the broad outlines [...]

The Devil and the Post-9/11 Era

President Hugo Chávez’s speech at the U.N. on September 20, 2006 created a new nadir of crudeness. It was also just one more attempt to demonize an opponent. He depicted President George W. Bush as the devil. Watching him speak extemporaneously, and with so much malice, one wonders where this world of ours is heading. [...]

Groups Unanimously Assail New Detention Law

By enacting new legislation this week governing the treatment and trial of suspects in Washington’s "global war on terror," Congress has turned its back on both international law and the U.S. Constitution, according to the country’s major human rights groups. The legislation, which cleared the Senate Thursday and is expected to be signed into law [...]

Much Ado Over Not Much

Although Afghan president Hamid Karzai may not be much of a ruler of the kind that firmly establishes control of the entire country – which might not be a bad thing in less parlous times in Afghanistan, which has never really cottoned to central government – he clearly excels President Bush at one [...]

Islamic Bomb

Uneasy Partners: Pakistan and the United States

There is nothing "normal" or "ordinary" about Pakistan, from the rationale for its creation to the fact that it played a crucial role in the last epic battle of the Cold War, the expulsion of the Soviet Union from Afghanistan. It played an equally significant role in the first battle of George W. Bush’s global [...]

Normalizing Relations
With Japan

Shinzo Abe has become the youngest postwar prime minister of Japan. He is seen as a reformer, following the lead of his predecessor, Junichiro Koizumi. Of greater significance to the U.S. and the rest of world, Abe also is a nationalist dedicated increasing his country’s global role. By encouraging Japan to become a normal nation [...]

Missing From the NIE: Afghanistan

The media missed the real story regarding the National Intelligence Estimate of the global terror threat. It’s not what’s in the declassified executive summary of the report – Iraq, which was unavoidable – it’s what’s absent from it – Afghanistan, where the Taliban are making a frightening and bloody comeback. No where in [...]