Blueprint for Dictatorship

America is headed for a military dictatorship – and recent legislation makes this all but inevitable. Last September, Congress passed the Defense Authorization Act, which empowered the president to declare martial law with very little provocation, namely in the aftermath of a “terrorist attack or incident.” Having determined that “the execution of the laws” is [...]

Monday: 1 Marine, 119 Iraqis Killed; 158 Iraqis Wounded

Updated at 1:06 a.m, May 1, 2007At least 119 Iraqis were killed or wounded today and another 158 Iraqis were injured, thanks to the ongoing violence in the country. Significant bombings took place in Baghdad and Mosul, while a police station was attack in Mosul. Also, a Marine was killed in Anbar province. The U.S. [...]

Poor George Tenet;
He Still Doesn’t Get It

“If you can’t say something positive about someone, don’t say anything.” This was drummed into me by my Irish grandmother and, like most of her admonishments, it has stood me in good stead. On occasion, though, it been a real bother – as when I felt called to comment on George Tenet’s apologia, In the [...]

A Democratic Sellout on
Bush’s Mercenaries

Let’s be clear about what it is – when it comes to “withdrawal” from Iraq – that the president will veto this Wednesday. Section 1904(b) of the supplemental appropriations bill for the Pentagon, H.R. 1591, passed by the House and Senate, mandates that the secretary of defense “commence the redeployment of the Armed Forces from [...]

Sunday: 4 GIs, 1 British Soldier, 72 Iraqis Killed; 47 Iraqis Wounded

Updated at 12:35 a.m. EDT, April 30, 2007Violence subsided a day after a significant attack in Karbala. However, at least 72 Iraqis were reported killed and 47 wounded in violence today. Three American soldiers were killed in eastern Baghdad today, when they struck a roadside bomb; an Iraqi interpreter was also killed. Another GI was [...]

Saturday: 9 GIs, 163 Iraqis Killed; 222 Iraqis Wounded

Updated at 11:28 p.m. EDT, April 28, 2007On what would have been Saddam Hussein’s 70th birthday, a car bomb in Karbala killed or injured dozens near a holy shrine. Five Red Crescent workers were shot dead in Baghdad. Dumped bodies were found in Baghdad, Mosul, Mahmudiya, Baquba and Mahaweel as well. Overall, at least 163 [...]

Tensions Run High After Sunni Killings in Beirut

BEIRUT – The killings of two pro-government Sunni Muslims has raised tensions across Lebanon. Rival political leaders have called for calm amidst fear that the killings could spark civil strife. The Lebanese police found the bodies Thursday of a pro-government supporter and a 12-year-old boy abducted earlier this week. The abduction was believed to be [...]

Afghan Prison Torture Scandal Rocks Canadian Military

VANCOUVER – Canadian General Rick Hillier and Defense Minister Gordon O’Connor have dismissed calls that they be investigated for war crimes over Canada’s role in handing over to Afghan security forces detainees who were subsequently tortured. Criticism of the Canadian forces is being driven by the revelation in Canada’s Globe and Mail newspaper that up [...]

Officeholding Liars

It’s been said often that while everyone is entitled to his own opinion, no one is entitled to his own facts. Today, we hear misstatements all the time. Some of them are deliberate lies. Some of them are just mistakes. A House committee has just exposed the terrible fact that Army officials fabricated [...]

Enabling Bush’s Wars of Aggression

Bill Moyers introduced his widely anticipated PBS special – entitled “Buying the War ” – thusly; “Four years ago this spring the Bush administration took leave of reality and plunged our country into a war so poorly planned it soon turned into a disaster. “The story of how high officials misled the country has [...]