Sunday: 2 GIs, 118 Iraqis Killed; 19 Iraqis Wounded

Updated at 12:15 a.m. EDT, Oct. 1, 2007A significant number of militia suspects and other gunmen were killed in numerous incidents around the country. Overall, 118 Iraqis were killed or found dead and another 19 were wounded. Also, one MND-B soldier was killed and another wounded during combat in Baghdad yesterday. In Mosul, 11 [...]

The Man Behind the Iran Curtain

He called for more "research" into the unequivocal facts of the Holocaust, said Iranian women were among the freest in the world, and declared that homosexuality did not exist in his country. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad courts controversy wherever he goes, and his visit to New York this week was no exception. Addressing the United [...]

Backtalk, September 29, 2007

Why Does Norman Podhoretz Hate America? It is an egregious affront to George Kennan to portray him simply and completely as the man who invented the containment strategy vis-à-vis the Soviet Union, then infer from that his posthumous support for the neocons’ calls for endless war against Islam. Kennan was firmly against the Vietnam War [...]

Myanmar’s Best Chance

The current unrest in Myanmar is inspiring to anybody who values political freedom and deplores the kind of oppressive regime the Myanmarese military has imposed on the country for close to half a century. And while the choice no doubt had something to do with not wanting to place too much emphasis on Iraq at [...]

Pentagon Gives Blackwater New Contract

A U.S.-based private security firm received a contract worth up to 92 million dollars from the Department of Defense amid hard questions about its involvement in two separate violent incidents in Iraq. "Blackwater has been a contractor in the past with the department and could certainly be in the future," said the U.S.’s top-ranking military [...]

Saturday: 2 GIs, 50 Iraqis Killed; 82 Iraqis Wounded

Updated at 10:40 p.m. EDT, Sept. 29, 2007During the latest incidents, at least 50 Iraqis were killed or found dead and 82 more were wounded. Among the attacks was a car bombing in Christian Hamdaniya and the death of a journalist in Mosul. Also, two American soldiers were killed in separate incidents. A Task Force [...]

US Politicians, Not Ahmadinejad, Have Blood on Their Hands

Ernest Hemingway explained the problem many years ago. The first thing politicians do to hide their mismanagement, he said, is inflate the currency; the second thing they do is go to war. Our currency has been inflated and we are at war. The demonization of the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, which you saw [...]

Stranger Than Strangelove

According to a seemingly authoritative report in the Washington Post, it came to pass that, on or about 2045 hours, August 30th 2007, as the cruise missiles that had been mounted on one pylon of an Air Force B-52 – flown from Minot AFB and parked, unattended, for more than eight hours on a ramp [...]

Friday: 78 Iraqis Killed, 54 Wounded

Updated at 12:25 a.m. EDT, Sept. 29, 2007At least 78 Iraqis were killed and 64 more were wounded during the latest round of violence, which included a U.S. helicopter attack on civilians in al-Saha. No foreign military deaths were reported; however, officials announced the death of "the emir of foreign terrorists" during a U.S. operation [...]

Why Did Israel Attack Syria?

Israel’s air strike on northern Syria earlier this month should be understood in the context of events unfolding since its assault last summer on neighboring Lebanon. Although little more than rumors have been offered about what took place, one strategic forecasting group, Stratfor, still concluded: "Something important happened." From the leaks so far, [...]