The Urge to Surge

[Note for TomDispatch readers: The following piece offers a picture of the Bush administration's 18-month "surge" in Iraq that, I believe, you'll find nowhere else. Something similar could be said of all the pieces collected in the new book, The World According to TomDispatch: America in the New Age of Empire. Collectively, they offer a [...]

Making Progress, Without Uncle Sam

It may be that the phrases "Middle East peace" and "Israeli-Palestinian peace" are classic oxymorons, along the lines of the late George Carlin’s example, "military intelligence." Certainly the history of the last several decades, perhaps the last 50 years, suggests that the safest attitude toward whatever is the latest manifestation of hope for peace among [...]

Israelis Assault Award-Winning Journalist

GAZA CITY – Mohammed Omer, Gaza correspondent for Inter Press Service (IPS) and joint winner of the 2008 Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism, was strip-searched at gunpoint, assaulted and abused by Israeli security officials at the Allenby border crossing between Jordan and the West Bank on Thursday as he tried to return home to Gaza. [...]

Monday: 20 Iraqis Killed, 25 Wounded

Updated at 6:40 p.m. EDT, June 30, 2008An intimidation campaign against Iraqi judges resumed today when a series of bombs targeted a number of them at their homes in eastern Baghdad. Across Iraq, at least 20 Iraqis were killed and 25 more were injured during the latest round of violence. The handover of security to [...]

Don’t Wait for World War III

Editor’s note: Justin Raimondo’s column will return Friday. The drumbeat for war with Iran is getting louder. Determined to ensure their success, by hook or by crook, the neoconservatives inside the administration, and their supporters in Israel, have launched a three-front campaign to provoke a confrontation with Tehran. 1. The Blackmail Option: Israeli Prime Minister [...]

Sunday: 39 Iraqis Killed, 20 Wounded

Updated at 6:09 p.m. EDT, June 29, 2008A mass grave gave up 20 more bodies a day after its discovery near Lake Tharthar. Overall, at least 39 Iraqis were killed or found dead and 20 more were wounded in attacks. No Coalition deaths were reported. Twenty more bodies were recovered from a mass grave discovered [...]

Zionism’s Dead End

The following is taken from a talk delivered at the Conference for the Right of Return and the Secular Democratic State, held in Haifa on June 21. In 1895 Theodor Herzl, Zionism’s chief prophet, confided in his diary that he did not favor sharing Palestine with the natives. Better, he wrote, to "try [...]

Can the Air Force Be Reformed?

During the tenure of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, the Army was the military service in the doghouse. Under his successor, Robert Gates, it appears to be the Air Force. Recently, Secretary Gates took the unprecedented step of firing the top civilian and military leaders of the service for its snafus with nuclear weapons and [...]

A Legacy to Die For

President George W. Bush says it will be about fifty years before historians can properly evaluate his legacy. Of course, that’s not true; some historians already know what Bush’s legacy will likely be: the deliberate destruction of the existing international nuclear-weapons proliferation-prevention regime. But it is slightly comforting, isn’t it, knowing that God apparently hasn’t [...]

Saturday: 1 Azeri Soldier, 41 Iraqis Killed; 2 Iraqis Wounded

Updated at 6:30 p.m. EDT, June 28, 2008Azerbaijan lost its first servicemember to the Iraqi war. Meanwhile, 41 Iraqis were killed and two more were injured. A mass grave was the only significant violence on a quiet day marked mostly by detentions. An Azeri soldier died near Haditha. The cause of death was not disclosed. [...]