April 23, 2006

In keeping with Pajamas Media’s commitment to provide you the best and most up-to-date blogosphere news and opinion, we now present the podcast BLOG WEEK IN REVIEW each Friday.

The April 21st podcast, our maiden effort below, explores the US visit of China’s President Hu, the departure of White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan and the rise of nuclear Iran. Our pundits include nationally respected bloggers Glenn Reynolds (The Instapundit), syndicated radio host Tammy Bruce and journalist Eric Umansky. The show is moderated by blogger and journalist Austin Bay and produced by blogger and journalist Ed Driscoll.

To listen to the April 21st podcast, please click on the player below.

%%AUDIO=shows/weekinreview/20060420-PJM-AB-FirstShow.mp3|Blog Week in Review – Pajamas Media – Stop by every day for the best in blogs and more%%

If you wish to download the MP3 file to play later, please click here (27MB).

If you wish to download a lo-fi version for slower modems, please click here (under 7MB).

To subscribe to our podcast at iTunes please click here.

After you have listened, be so kind as to fill out our very brief and painless survey. We want to improve these podcasts for your listening pleasure. Please come back next week for a fresh new show.

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1. nationwide title insurance costs:

I have admire your unselfishness in taking the time to make this web site.

Mar 26, 2008 - 12:13 pm 2. John:

The podcast subscription at iTunes does not work properly (iTunes does not properly configure itself to subscribe to your podcast). Is there a link you can send so I can subscribe?

Mar 26, 2008 - 10:28 pm