Patterico's Pontifications


iowahawk: Operation Steel Gazelle: A Smart, Multi-Slide Plan For Toughening American Security with Smartness

Filed under: Humor, Terrorism, War — Patterico @ 11:16 pm

iowahawk has great post, in which Harry Reid and a realistically inarticulate Nancy Pelosi discuss the way they plan to end terrorism by capturing Osama bin Laden. A sample:

REID: . . . Using state-of-the-art PhotoShop smart computers, we will create simulated pictures of Osama bin Laden wearing a mustache, soul patch, trucker hat, and so on, and these will also be included in our emails. Then, the generals will distribute the pictures to the soldiers, and they can then make a surprise attack at Pakistan and get Osama bin Laden, no matter his latest look. Imagine the looks on the terrorists’ faces!

NANCY: Me too! What is next, in the plan?

HARRY: Well Nancy, after invading Pakistan and getting Osama bin Laden, our plan will next focus on rapid American redeployment from Iraq. With terrorism finally a thing of the past, we will need our American soldiers back here in the “good ol’ USA” to guard Osama bin Laden while he serves out a tough sentence in jail or an innovative work-release program.

NANCY: Sounds, smart! But what about toughness?

HARRY: Don’t worry Nancy – before we redeploy the soldiers out of Iraq, we will pass a tough new assault weapons ban in Iraq to keep these dangerous weapons out of the hands of civil war gangs. We will back it up with a roadside bomb amnesty program, and after-madrassa programs for at-risk insurgent youths.

An assault weapons ban! Iraq already has tons of assault weapons. They should already be banned! Damn incompetent Bush.

Go read it all.

Ahab meets White Whale; has Turkish Coffee

Filed under: General — See Dubya @ 11:05 pm

[Posted by See-Dubya]

Claudia Rosett went to Cyprus and rang the doorbell of Benon Sevan. He invited her in for coffee and they chatted for two and a half hours. The juicy stuff is, unfortunately, off the record.

If you don’t know who these people are, it will be my pleasure to inform you. Benon Sevan was the man as close to the center of the Oil-for-Food Scandal as it is possible to be–and who is accused of taking bribes to look the other way and let Saddam exploit the system. He has retreated to Cyprus and lurks in an apartment he inherited from his aunt–an aunt who, he says, gave him the $140,000 that is accused to be a bribe from Saddam. An aunt who fell down the elevator shaft of this building and died when the story came to light.

Claudia Rosett is the intrepid journalist who has done more than anyone to expose the corrupt perfidy of the Oil-for-Food program. Hers ought to be a household name; she ought to have a Pulitzer prize for her reporting. Though little of consequence is reported in her article, I can’t help but think this meeting was a small milestone in the history of the war.

– See Dubya

Answers to Quote Quiz #2

Filed under: Music — Patterico @ 10:59 pm

Here are the answer’s to Tuesday’s Quote Quiz #2. As usual, CraigC took first place, with Mrs. P. a close second. Here are the final results:

CraigC: 27 (only because he got the bonus question)
Mrs. P.: 22
Stacy: 17
Robin Lochner: 12
Wiz: 12
Black Jack: 10
nittypig: 7
Xrlq: 6
Bobby: 6
Shawn: 6
Veeshir: 6
Diecast Dude: 6
BrotherMan: 6
Kent: 4
darkuspawnus: 1

Nobody got the Guadalcanal Diary song. Of the initial 10, there was at least one person who got the artist on each one. They may seem obscure to you, but they’re not to everybody.

Here are the answers:


Birthdays and Clouds

Filed under: General, Real Life — Patterico @ 8:50 pm

I just uploaded some pictures to the computer and thought I’d share a couple with you:


Mothaf&*@in’ Raindrops Keep Fallin’ On My Head, B*@#h!

Filed under: General, Music — See Dubya @ 5:52 pm

[Posted by See-Dubya, B*&^h!]

Burt Bacharach is punching up his protest song a bit.

–See Dubya

Now That’s Sicilian

Filed under: Humor, Judiciary — Patterico @ 4:56 pm

When my birthday comes, you know what to get me: a huge poster of this.

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