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Interests: watching the enablers of islamification
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Sadly, these powerful images are just going to end up as more JIhadi porno.
Good job Pam - you held up with diginity in face of the most appalling bile from the three libtards. BTW, Ron Reagan? Being a Brit I'd never heard of him before (in the context of a public figure, that is) -but what a dick.
Feel the Free Lunch Taqiyya...
The number of employees on the D&B site only states '<25', which could be 25, 1 or anywhere in between. I didn't register to see the fuller report, but with 20-30 employees this simply wouldn't add up. Even with just himself and assuming, say, a generous 30% net profit margin, it's still not a significant business by anyone's measure.
They'll call it positive engagement with a minority community in order to promote community cohesion in a multicultural, multifaith society'. (say this in a nasal, preferably female, mild northern accent) ;) We'd just call it 'scared of Muslims'.
Brilliant work, Pamela. This is a beautiful memorial; to Aqsa and strong testament to the fact that, to paraphrase Robert, Judaism and Christianity are religions of peace - and Islam isn't.
This isn't about where it starts, it's about where it ends up. CAIR and the Muslims already know that this will be merely the beginning. Muslims will always want more and more concessions - and CAIR fifth columnists will always be happy to help them get there.
Unfortunately this story has a sucker punch attached. The Michael Savage piece might seem like good news, but the back story is much more disturbing, especially for Brits. "I'm not losing sleep over rising immigration numbers' says Home Secretary Alan Johnson, as he rules out imposing a cap"
It appears he'll get along extremely well with Berlusconi..
Toggle Commented Jul 11, 2009 on Checking Out the Latest Imports at Atlas Shrugs
I can't help wondering whether people in, say, Minneapolis/St.Paul would think themselves under-represented by Somalis? You will be overrun by Obama's 'diversity' (cheap labour/sympathetic voter importation) projects - just like we Brits have been for the past 40 years with Pakistanis and Bangladeshis, who hate us and out-breed us.
Glad it's getting fixed - hope you're back up soon, Robert. Have re-Tweeted the message across my followers plus few relevant hashtags to help get the word out. I suggested in another comment here that maybe you should consider setting up a Twitter account for when Script Kiddiez4Allah start playing their infantile games again? U:d
Glad it's getting fixed - hope you're back up soon, Robert. Have re-Tweeted the message across my followers plus few relevant hashtags to help get the word out. I suggested in another comment here that maybe you should consider setting up a Twitter account for when Script Kiddiez4Allah start playing their infantile games again? U:D
Toggle Commented Jul 5, 2009 on Jihadwatch down again at Atlas Shrugs
Un:dhimmi is now following duh_swami
Jul 5, 2009
Bummer. Hope it gets fixed and soon. Maybe you could persuade Robert to use Twitter as a backup for times like these, Pamela? I know he's an avowed non-geek, but it would give him some resilience in getting the message out when the script kiddiez are playing. Just a thought. U:d P.S. - Hope all on that side of the pond have had a great holiday, anyway.
Toggle Commented Jul 5, 2009 on Jihadwatch down again at Atlas Shrugs
This is precisely why myself and a substantial number of fellow Brits voted UKIP at the European Parliamentary Elections last week. These oleaginous Euro Dhimmis will not further their barely-concealed Jew hatred, nor promote their Multiculturaist dystopia in our names. It is long past due that Britain withdrew from this monstrous, quasi-Marxist EU Superstate! And once we've done that, we'll unseat their Muslim-loving colleagues in Westminster.
I've also covered this today as I was dumbfounded when I read it. This is how EU and Anglosphere countries are repaid for the audacity they have to offer Muslims - claiming to be fleeing their hell-hole failed states for advanced, successful nations - a new start in life. No good deed goes unpunished under Allah.
Toggle Commented May 23, 2009 on Muslim Insurrection in Greece at Atlas Shrugs