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3 days ago
I don't think these test results can be extrapolated out to include all Boeing AC ever made. If that 47's in a boneyard, it's old. Old 47s were made of different alloy mixes a/o thicknesses than current models because TBC learned to make better lighter AC as the years went by. Too, alloys used today on more modern AC such as the newer 37s, and the remainder of the fleet, would not necessarily have the same wall thickness a/o alloy mix as an old 47. For example, floors are now made of honeycomb textiles, info which can be found on the internet. Terrorists don't want to blow a hole in the AC fuselage. They want to penetrate down through the floor, into the wing fuel tanks. So, basically, the results of the test are meaninless and nothing about which to worry. The enemy already knows from common sources all the info necessary to blow any number of AC from just about any sky they want. And these two Brits and the BBC had nothing to do with them getting that info.
Toggle Commented Mar 8, 2010 on BBC Traitors Assist Muslim Bombers at Atlas Shrugs
Well, then; I guess we'd better be prepared to spot 'em before they detonate and then move with appropriate action. Or die whining...
Toggle Commented Mar 8, 2010 on BBC Traitors Assist Muslim Bombers at Atlas Shrugs
This is specious nonsense. The FNH is not available only to cops. You can buy one off the shelf at any good gun store, or online. As for AP ammo, any bullet properly made and pushed through the apropriate length of barrel can punch through SBA ~ soft body armor. For the uneducated, SBH is the correct term for what people like to call "bullet-proof vests." Nothing is bullet proof. The fact that Hasan used a "cop gun" and "cop-only" ammo means nothing other than that he did his home-work... it's a good gun. But he could have achieved the same results with a properly loaded .357 Sig round, or even hot 9mm hard-ball rounds. Speculation that Clemmons "had to" use the same gun/ammo up here in the LPD shootings is just dumb. There are no reports of the type of gun/ammo used in the murders. There are no reports as to whether the LPD cops were shot in the heads or not. At that range, head shots, especially on the first two targets, are easy as pie. This is no "weapons lesson." It's specious bull-shit.
Toggle Commented Mar 7, 2010 on What no one is telling us at Atlas Shrugs
Yes, he's got a very good blog.
But we all called it CID, didn't we? Sequence #3089, got out in '92. Command didn't notify me of the move west.
The reason for the delay in the story being told in the press is that Army Criminal Investigation Division, the detectives doing all the work at FJSC, don't tell secrets, don't leak leads, don't blow cases. They would have had to get permission from CID Command at Falls Church, VA before releasing any info to anyone outside CID.
My thoughts:
I don't think it's necessary to be snotty about the body-guard. They are highly trained and motivated and assigned to the presidential detail because of their skill and devotion to duty, not to the man, Obama.
From my particular angle, I'd just like to proffer the reminder that a female terrorist just might attack you or shoot you sooner and put more bullets in you than a male terrorist because she feels she's got to prove her worth to the cause, that she's as tough and committed as the boys. Do not be fooled, or seduced and if push comes to shove, shove hard.
Repeating unsubstantiated speculation that Clemmons converted to Islam in prison does not make him a terrorist nor this a terrorist attack. Too, the fact that some blacks think Clemmons is cool for what he did and are stupid enough to advertise their feelings doesn't mean Clemmons was a Muslim. I'm as much against Islam, cop-killers and terrorism as anyone here, but we can't paint every angry cop killer with the same jihadi brush just because it empowers our rage.
Fuck you, pythagoris. If you know my work, google freemendo, you'd know I'm way ahead of your power curve. As an added advantage, I happen to live in the Seattle area so I'm getting information you won't know of for days. Bozo.
He was NOT shot dead in a gunfight. He was spotted and identified by a lone SPD officer. When ordered to take his hands out of his pockets, Clemmons repeatedly refused and ran. At that time, the officer fired multiple times and took Clemmons down. He was placed in cuffs and later taken to hospital where he died. Yes, he did have a gun on him at the time of the shooting ~ in fact, it was one he took off one of the Lakewood cops ~ but there was no exchange of gunfire. Get your fucking facts straight. Geez.
Looks "just like a jihadist"????? Wow. since he's not, I wonder how that works out in the eternal scheme of things. He was out on 150k bail, about to be sentenced in WA as a Persistent Offender for sexual abuse of a child, which means life in jail w/o parole under WA law. That was his motive. Jihadists don't necessarily "look like" anything or anyone in particular. If you're looking for swarthy, angry, Mid-eastern types, you're missing the point.
Looks like the shooter walked in, past the officers, got in line as if to get a drink and then turned and shot two who were working on their laptops, third officer begins to react and he is then shot, fourth officer managed to get at least one shot off but was shot also and died.
Note to O: you don't speak for me. There is only one thing you can extend to Muslims on my behalf: the offer to surrender or die.
God bless George and Laura Bush.
Toggle Commented Nov 20, 2009 on The Last American President at Atlas Shrugs
Would you let someone who thought your spouse was attractive come into your house and tell your spouse what a jerk you are? Hell no. Same principle.
It's a long-standing hard-ball policy that there is no politicking on military installations. It doesn't matter who's the Commander in Chief. He or she can visit a military post because he or she's the boss, but there are no political arguments or dissing of the boss on his own turf. That's just the way it is and should be. Sarah would surely be critical of Obama in some ways while on Ft Bragg ~ she's promoting a book presumably full of criticism of him ~ so it's just policy that she not be able to soap box this event. I agree with her, I'm on her side but it is a good milkitary policy. Admirals and Generals do not disclose their political leanings of support any candidate for exactly the same reason. It ain't treason.
There's an incident recalled by one of Reagan's bodyguards about a time they were in Paris. As the story goes, the French president was scheduled to arrive last at this big conference because it was protocol to give the highest honor to the host country. Though it caused the meeting to start late, Reagan had his motorcade circle the block until Mitterand showed up ~ knowing what Reagan was trying to pull off ~ and then he, as the leader of the free world, went in last. A subtle reminder to the world that he was in charge.
Toggle Commented Nov 18, 2009 on Palin Blasts Obowa's Bow Tic at Atlas Shrugs
The best source for information like that proffered above viz defending oneself and staging safe protests, etc. can be found by googling: freemendo. As in, What should free men do?
Here is some information with a nexus to the axe handle advice, with which I fully agree.
The best site on the web for being prepared for battles that might lie ahead is "The Freemendo Blog"... as in What should free men do? It's my blog. You're invited to google it and come on in.
Something that gets me shouting at the TV is hearing news-readers saying how confusing it is that Hasan committed these murders because he "killed his own..." meaning the soldiers were his "brothers", how could he dooooo that to them? And I shout, "To Hasan, US soldiers, all Americans in fact, are not 'brothers.' They are the enemy simply because they are not Muslim and they deserve to die for that fact alone." It's that simple.
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