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Let he who has no sin cast the first stone. BTW, nice Italian tablecloth, Bud.
Toggle Commented 4 days ago on All the same evil at Atlas Shrugs
Aussie News, you hit the nail on the head. If Muslims from over there come over here and then go back and forth to visit relatives over there, relatives who witness and in many cases applaud the everyday atrocities that Muslims are so famous for, what would make them think twice about committing those atrocities once they are powerful enough to get away with it here? I'm not waiting that long. I'm doing something about it now.
Uh, do your unifying someplace else, would ya?
I like the one with the free coffee and tea. Ya' know, we could either stop by this event and be indoctrinated or we could find a buck and drive through McDonald's. ; )
Toggle Commented Mar 8, 2010 on Islam Awareness Week at Atlas Shrugs
Krazy Kafir, maybe so but then it totally blows his whole "moderate Islam" image out of the water.
Gary, Adam, if you were my kids I'd beat your asses. Oh, and you won't be getting the latest and greatest from Apple next Christmas. Don’t feel defensive. ; )
Men of other cultures rarely cut their wives heads off.
This judge doesn't realize the precedent he has just set and the consequences of his naivete. Heads will roll.
OH MY GOSH! Look at all those brave English lads. I knew they still existed. I knew they had not submitted to Islamic stupidity. Thanks Pamela! Those pictures have done my heart good. "That island of England breeds very valiant creatures." (The knuckle dragging cowards were imported.)
Looks like another member of the We generation.
The picture of the parents is telling. Mohammad looks like he is seething inside and Aysha looks like she has lost all hope. Very interesting. Bet you wish you hadn't moved here, huh Mohammad?
68 times? Muslim male, thy name is insecure, pathetic coward.
Bouvier, Reader all but admitted to me that she works for CAIR when I smoked her out on one of the Rifqa threads about a month ago. I tricked her and she fell for it. She avoided commenting the entire next day after the incident which is not like her at all. She regained her composure and has been on her guard with me ever since but for one delicious moment she blew it. I can't say with 100% accuracy that she is Jennifer Nimer, the legal director for CAIR Columbus although there is a lot of circumstantial evidence pointing to that, but she works there and was sent by CAIR to disrupt the Rifqa threads. As an attorney who has been involved in student shakedown cases for CAIR she would likely have some knowledge about the FCCS system, especially since CAIR appears to have infiltrated the police department and other government authorities in Columbus. The dhimmi police investigator on the Rifqa case is a sparkling example. (Don't upset the Muslims.)
Oh and Pamela, Rhymes with Right posts exactly like Reader/Jennifer, legal director for CAIR who holds court on the comments section of the Rifqa Bary articles over at the Columbus Dispatch . I caught her little act right off the bat.
So now it's official that students run the classroom and teachers have no right or authority to do ANYTHING except indoctrinate these future "citizens". No values or respect for authority instilled, just mindless acceptance of the hopelessness of the future of their totalitarian state (of mind.) Now does anyone really think that this little Muslim darling has a thought in her head and that she decided that she wouldn't stand for the pledge of allegiance? Let's get real here, her parents and CAIR have used her to further the spread of Islam at the expense of this teacher's livelihood. Teenaged girls don;t matter. Kafir teachers don't matter. Only Islam matters. Fuck Islam. BTW, I seriously doubt that she was "so traumatized by her teacher’s humiliating and inappropriate reaction". With the amount of insecurity that Muslims display we should be able to blow them over like a feather. To continue engaging in these skirmishes with the likes of the ACLU and CAIR is laughable.
Auntie Madder is onto something. It's time for the American people to exert their parental authority and put little Bary Obama to bed.
Yes, people should go over to the Dispatch site and pile on. Reader has been holding court on the Dispatch comment threads regarding Rifqa for way too long now. She is a CAIR operative, fer sure. No one who didn't have a vested interest in spreading disinformation about Rifqa would spend so many hours trying to convince people there is nothing to see here.
Irony Man, I noticed the same thing. 15 down to 13. I'm POSITIVE that Saudi prince didn't like my comment.
And along with the brilliant (and comforting) legal strategies, those of us who weren't blessed with those kind of minds will be on our knees praying for the protection of Rifqa, Brian, the Lorenzes and all involved, the clear thinking and honest reactions of those who are legally responsible and the continuing thwarting of those who are determined to see this end in destruction and death. You know you guys, we have to win because we're better than them. Respect for life is better than loving death. Respect for other people's decisions and our commitment to equality is much more valuable than the idea that Allah may destroy people's lives with the help of his "slaves". The other night I was watching the Olympics and it dawned on me that there are no Muslims competing and along with missing the competition they are missing the joy of winning and doing their best. I was watching the "thrill of victory" when Alexandre Bilodeau won the men's mogul competition that he dedicated to his older brother who has Down's Syndrome who was cheering him on. The look on both of those guys' faces was priceless. The sheer joy and happiness that Alexandre gained when he crossed that finish line and realized he one made my face hurt, I was smiling so much. And that he didn't just do it for himself, but that he shared that victory with his brother was just too wonderful for words. And then there are the Muslims, who think they seek victory but really are willing to settle for the agony of defeat. They love death. What does that get them? They seek to destroy themselves and others. For what? Will this build them a brave new world or simply reduce everybody else's world to a prison planet? As for me, I'd rather reject Sharia, keep hope alive and rejoice with the Alexandre Bilodeau's of the world when they invite me to celebrate the victory of something I will never be able to do but whose joy they are willing to share.
Could Jay Sekulow from ACLJ represent this poor guy? I bet there would be publicity surrounding this, the kind CAIR hates, if Jay got involved. 'Might be a good way to get the truth out too as he has a radio show on at noon in the D.C. area. Spotlight on Sharia. (Watch CAIR squirm.)
I don't know, I think Obama looks a little too white in this picture.
Toggle Commented Feb 14, 2010 on Naked at the Feast at Atlas Shrugs
Two emails, written and delivered. That was an awesome article. No wonder the ISNA weenies have their panties in a bunch.
It does seem likely that when Joy Behar asked Pamela to be on her show she had already called Olbermann with a wink and a nudge to give him a heads up. Okay, so they're vicious and nasty. We already knew that. What we didn't know is that exposing these pathetic downers to that ray of sunshine, Miss Pamela, would give hope to tons of people out there who want to do something but haven't known where to go. Thanks Joy and Keith, and especially never-was Ron; you guys heaping on the scorn makes you look like like the "haters' you're always complaining about and makes the ever fascinating Miss Pamela look more intriguing than ever.
Toggle Commented Feb 11, 2010 on My woistest wish came true! at Atlas Shrugs
The vitriol gets worse the more scared these guys get. Ron Reagan spew is a good measuring stick for how desperate they've become. If my memory serves me correctly Jane Fonda said something about Ronald Reagan being president being the worst thing for this country. That was in the same decade when she went onto make millions of dollars with her workout video and to subsidize Democratic candidates for election. Yeah, Reagan being president must have really sucked.
Toggle Commented Feb 10, 2010 on Cain and Abel ..... Reagan at Atlas Shrugs
Warren, they are not better than us, just LOUDER. Their mamas must be so proud.
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