Archive for: March 2005

March 31, 2005

Don’t forget to call or listen

Filed under: Uncategorized - 31 Mar 2005

Rightalk Radio

Toll-free Call-in number: 1-866-884-8255 (866-884-TALK)


update:  Hot or not:  Josh Brolin.



update:  for those of you who missed it, our first show is available for download here.

A reminder, coupled with a disclaimer and an offer, finished with a summary plea, 2 (Updated to request more questions AND to add our first review!)

Filed under: Uncategorized - 31 Mar 2005

When:  Today, 3 PM EST

Where:  Rightalk Radio

Guests:  Glenn Reynolds, Jeff Percifield.

Topics:  The left / right divide; social cons v. libertarians and the future of the Republican ruling coalition.  Nanotech.  Gay …

“Report Says U.S. Intelligence ‘Dead Wrong’ on Iraq”

Filed under: Uncategorized - 31 Mar 2005


U.S. intelligence on Iraq was “dead wrong,” dealing a blow to American credibility that will take years to undo, and spymasters still know disturbingly little about nuclear programs in countries like Iran and North Korea, a presidential commission …

“Terri Schiavo video released just before her death”

Filed under: Uncategorized - 31 Mar 2005

From CNN:

Just hours before Terri Schiavo’s death on Thursday, Florida’s Pinellas County Probate Court released nine of 11 videotapes of the brain-damaged woman that had been recorded in 2002.

The 41-year-old woman, whose life was the center of a …

More from HundredPercenter. Because ITS ALL ABOUT THE CARING

Filed under: Uncategorized - 31 Mar 2005

At 8:33 PM, Malachy Joyce [HundredPercenter] said…


First of all- what’s with all the religious insinuations? For what it’s worth, I haven’t been to church since my son was baptised. So don’t get your beenie twisted.

Your …

March 30, 2005

Shannon Elizabeth comments on the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment that concludes that human activities threaten the Earth’s ability to sustain future generations.

Filed under: Uncategorized - 30 Mar 2005

Elizabeth: “I read somewhere that dolphins are like, really smart.  So, y’know, there’s always that.”*

update:  “…and in a pinch, I can probably suckle a dozen or so people myself.  My breasts are that fantastic.”


Filed under: Uncategorized - 30 Mar 2005

via FOXNews

I’ve said on numerous occasions now that were Terri Schiavo my daughter, I’d be storming the hospice with a bottle of Gatorade and a box of donuts.  I’d force the cops to shoot me or put me down with …

Film reviews in five words or less, #23

Filed under: Uncategorized - 30 Mar 2005

Assassination Tango (2002) Stars Robert Duvall, Rubén Blades, Kathy Baker, Frank Gio, and Luciana Pedraza.

Five words or less review: Now those are some legs…*

*highly recommended quirky character study

Slouching toward dementia, 7 (or, my scissors talk to me again)

Before you start trimming that scraggly-ass beard of yours, I should make it clear to you that I am very pro-Terri.  So, y’know—you might want to factor that into the grooming equation, death merchant…

Q:  What would Jesus do?

Filed under: Uncategorized - 30 Mar 2005

A: Evidently, take me off his blog roll.  For now.  Later?  FIRE AND BRIMSTONE, BABY!

Oh well.  At least I’m in good company…




update 2:  Normally, I’m …

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