Archive for: September 2005

September 30, 2005

It’s Friday.  Bring on the dancing armadillo!

Filed under: Uncategorized - 30 Sep 2005

What is this, a minstrel show?  The armadillo will not dance for the Man. Period.

My eighth brief conversation with the ghost of John Merrick

Filed under: Uncategorized - 30 Sep 2005

Merrick:  “I AM NOT AN ANIMAL!”

Me: “Oh yeah?  What are you trying to say—that you hate black people?”

Merrick:  “I AM A HUMAN BEING!”

Me: “Uh huh.  Not really an apology, is it?  You twisted, lumpy, racist hater.”

Morning in (racist Rethuglican) America: an intentionalist perspective

Filed under: Uncategorized - 30 Sep 2005

On his “Morning in America” radio show a few days back, Bill Bennett—in the context of responding to a caller who’d suggested that making abortion illegal would create more workers 20 years hence—said:

But I do know that …

Judging Alberto

Filed under: Uncategorized - 30 Sep 2005

“‘The President wants Gonzales. That’s what is dragging this thing out. They’re sending out people to say he is conservative as if by telling us that enough we will say,“‘sure, he really is one of us.” That …

a very short conversation with my ninth pint of Guinness

Filed under: Uncategorized - 30 Sep 2005

me: “So, I’m thinking about giving my ex-girlfriend a call –”

Guinness: “Bad idea.”

me: “Yeah?”

me: “…Eh, you’re probably right.  Maybe I’ll just make a sandwich instead.”

September 29, 2005

Will Blog for Tamiflu

Filed under: Uncategorized - 29 Sep 2005

From ABC News:

The United Nations has begun a worldwide drive to counter the threat of a global flu pandemic. The U.N.’s new avian flu czar, Dr. David Nabarro, will head up the drive to contain the disease …

Random Geraldo Rivera thought, Thursday, Sept 29, 4:52 PM EST

Filed under: Uncategorized - 29 Sep 2005

…the fact is, MY mustache was taking shrapnel in Tora Bora while Bolton’s was stateside eating shrimp cocktails and sipping Michelob Lights from a chilled Pilsner glass.  So don’t presume to lecture ME about ‘tough’!  I mean, my mustache has …

More on that Roberts vote

Filed under: Uncategorized - 29 Sep 2005

Among those who voted nay on Roberts are Bayh, Biden, Clinton, Kerry, and Obama—all candidates to pursue higher office, including nearly every ostensible 2008 Democratic Presidential candidate from the Senate (with Joe Lieberman the exception; though, as John Cole …

Misses Smith Goes to Washington

Filed under: Uncategorized - 29 Sep 2005



When “conservatives” attack (updated, with all-new Hitler references!)

Filed under: Uncategorized - 29 Sep 2005

“Conservative” pundit Andrew Sullivan, on the military’s recently completed investigation into allegations that US soldiers provided snuff photos to a porn site in exchange for free access.  (The investigation found that no …

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