Archive for: February 2006

February 28, 2006

Jack and the Magic Dean Squawk

Filed under: Uncategorized - 28 Feb 2006

Just back from Best Buy, where I picked up Lady and the Tramp for the kid (he especially likes the stuffed Tramp that comes along with it) and Threat for myself.  I’m interested to see what a bunch of teens and twenty-somethings (the oldest, who wrote the script at 21, turned 22 on the day filming began) can do with an indie project that is purported to make Kids look tame by comparison.

Anyway, I bring this up only by way of introduction to a link from Tom Elia that I received while I was out helping to keep the floundering US economy from grinding to a permanent halt—or at least, keep it going until tax increases, neo-isolationism, and an end to the “outsourcing” of jobs indicative of free market globalization save us.  Thankfully, such policies will be instituted by our next benevolent liberal-Democratic mommy leader, whomever he or she may be.

But back on point:  Here’s Tom, with “Howard Dean Speaks Again!”—which excerpts a speech today given by the DNC chair at the Annual Conference of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs [emphasis in the original]:

BREAKING:  Dahmer sues victim after bad case of food poisoning

Filed under: Uncategorized - 28 Feb 2006

Okay, not quite.  But still.

From the WSJ/AP:  “New York Times Sues Department of Defense For Eavesdropping Records”:

“‘Name and shame’ tactic stops Indians aborting baby girls”: another open question to feminists

Filed under: Uncategorized - 28 Feb 2006

From the UK Telegraph comes this story of a Punjab anti-abortion/choice campaign that, ironically, is designed to shame pregnant women into carrying girl babies to term:

French Nationalism vs. Globalization

Filed under: Uncategorized - 28 Feb 2006

From the Economist:

A wave of cross-border mergers is sweeping across Europe. But as globalisation and no-holds-barred capitalism gather strength on the continent, France and others are trying to stiffen the barriers to economic integration on “strategic” grounds. …

my very brief conversation with chicken-flavored instant ramen

Filed under: Uncategorized - 28 Feb 2006

me: “Wow.  You’re really heavy on the sodium, aren’t you?”

ramen:  “You’re right, I’m sorry.  Should I give you back your fucking dime, Mr. Rockefeller?”

February 27, 2006


Filed under: Uncategorized - 27 Feb 2006

[note:  follow-up post here]

Looks like the National Review itself is the latest to throw the noose around Bill Buckley’s useless, weathered neck:

Another moment of unabashed pragmatism

Filed under: Uncategorized - 27 Feb 2006

Well, if you’re so damned tired, go lie down already, why dontcha?

“We Can Live With a Nuclear Iran”? (updated)

Filed under: Uncategorized - 27 Feb 2006

In a NYT op-ed today, Barry Posen, a professor of political science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, argues that

A Modest, nattily-dressed Proposal?

Filed under: Uncategorized - 27 Feb 2006

Via Bareknucklepolitics, this story from Herald Today, “Ohio lawmaker to propose ban on GOP adoption”:

“The Hermit’s Other Lament”—a haiku

Filed under: The protein wisdom original poems - 27 Feb 2006

One should never take

for granted the strange magic

of indoor plumbing.

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