Archive for: September 2007

September 30, 2007


Filed under: Uncategorized - 30 Sep 2007

…to the host of Phillies fans who hang out here in the comments. 13-4 down the stretch by the Phillies is pretty remarkable, and that finish evens the historical score on one of the most astounding collapses in major …

More on the anatomy of a smear campaign

Filed under: Uncategorized - 30 Sep 2007

John Gibson and Mark Levin weigh in on Media Matters, George Soros, John Kerry, Keith Olbermann, and the art of the soundbite edit — particularly with respect to the latest leftwing attempts to smear Rush Limbaugh and Bill O’Reilly.

September 29, 2007

Racism at Rutgers – College athletes are sacrosanct [Darleen Click]

Filed under: Uncategorized - 29 Sep 2007

Yesterday, the boss touched on the O’Reilly ‘racist’ kerfuffle. There’s also another “controversy” over Rush Limbaugh, in a segment with a caller, using the term phony soldiers – also snipped out of context because four remarks later, still in …

September 28, 2007

Republican Reps to Boycott MSNBC?

Filed under: Uncategorized - 28 Sep 2007

Ace has the details.

I’m beginning to think the time has come to see more of this. So long as MSM “reporters” are acting like George Soros-funded attack ads in pancake makeup and mousse, there’s no reason for Republicans …

The Making of a Racism Charge

Filed under: Uncategorized - 28 Sep 2007

Frankly, I haven’t commented on the charges of Bill O’Reilly’s “racism” because I’m quite certain that no one — not even those who pretend to be most outraged at O’Reilly, or those most delighted to seize upon this “story” (and …

In the midst of a pennant race, it is perfectly fair to ask

Filed under: Uncategorized - 28 Sep 2007

Blog? What blog?

Seriously. Who are you people, and what are you doing on my couch, eating my bagel chips?

September 27, 2007

Site changes

Filed under: Uncategorized - 27 Sep 2007

Just got the email. My short stint with AFF’s Brainwash is over.

I can’t prove it to be the case, but I suspect my history of controversy and potty mouthedness had something to do with it.

Not that …

“Free Speech” in an age of Libertarianism and Market Choice

Filed under: Uncategorized - 27 Sep 2007

From The WSJ, “Verizon Wireless Bars Abortion-Rights Group’s Texting”:Verizon Wireless is refusing to carry text messages from a prominent abortion-rights group, citing its internal restrictions on content that is “highly controversial,” the carrier said.

Naral Pro-Choice America requested that Verizon …

This is not an open thread

Filed under: Uncategorized - 27 Sep 2007

And though it’s quite possible that an actual open thread could look exactly like this one — down to the last bit of punctuation, even — that wouldn’t change this post’s ontology one bit.

All of which puts me in …

September 26, 2007

The “a Wednesday afternoon knock knock joke for you to enjoy (or not) while I’m otherwise engaged” post

Filed under: Uncategorized - 26 Sep 2007

Knock knock.

Who’s there?

Juan Williams.

Heh. Come on in, Mr Rove. You old kidder, you!*

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