Archive for: October 2007

October 31, 2007

What a Shame! [Dan Collins]

Filed under: Uncategorized - 31 Oct 2007

Lawsuit May Bankrupt Phelps’ “Church”

They seemed like such nice young fascists.

Careful with the Chinesium

Tablet reduces risk of racism

“Humor is difficult in cross cultural situations,” he said. “It’s hard to know what’s going to …

RIP, Washoe [Dan Collins]

Filed under: Uncategorized - 31 Oct 2007

Washoe, a female chimpanzee believed to be the first non-human to acquire human language, has died of natural causes at the research institute where she was kept.

Washoe, who first learned a bit of American Sign Language in a research project …

Defender of the Faggot Race [Dan Collins]

Filed under: Uncategorized - 31 Oct 2007

Mark Gisleson at Norwegianity:
When someone exposes you as a racist hater, the obvious response is to call the blogger who exposed you a racist.

Obvious, that is, if you’re a demagogic creep trying to perpetuate racist/homophobic bullshit.
More …

Halloween Fright Thread [Dan Collins]

Filed under: Uncategorized - 31 Oct 2007

Whether Dr. Helen intentionally unlocked this Pandora’s Box for Halloween is an open question, but she wonders, “Should Men Get Married?”  So far, it appears that the answer is, “No.  Only women should get married.”

Here’s your chance, both men …

October 30, 2007

Proportionality [Dan Collins]

Filed under: Uncategorized - 30 Oct 2007

I know, I know. I make too big a deal about Greenwald(s), and I like these kerfuffles, and they’re all “inside baseball.” Still, my hypocrisy doesn’t, I think, bar me from pointing out the strange paucity of linking sites to …

Face of a Racist [Dan Collins]

Filed under: Uncategorized - 30 Oct 2007

Details at David Thompson’s. Also with Aldo at the Pub.

Maha doesn’t understand how this is the inevitable outcome of identity politics. It doesn’t make any sense, you see. Also, as you can see from the comments, I’m gay. Well, not GAY gay, but gay. It could be my face, but then it wouldn’t be funny, because anyone who believes as I do is obviously racist, whereas that charge levelled against, say, Glenn or Maha? Absurd!

Halloween Creep-Out Contest [Dan Collins]

Filed under: Uncategorized - 30 Oct 2007

Well, the Breitbart team haven’t posted in 5 days, so I suppose I must have creeped (crept?) that poor girl out. My apologies. Still, I don’t think I’m quite as creepy as either of these stories:

Story 1

Tuesday Night Cockslapping at Caesar’s Palace [Dan Collins]

Filed under: Uncategorized - 30 Oct 2007

His Umbrageous Proboscis is still at it:

The ultimate significance of this matter, which goes far beyond the specific question of what Col. Boylan did or did not do in this case (though that is important in its own right), …

ESPN Monday Night Football (Shanahan, Green Bay) SuX [Dan Collins]

Filed under: Uncategorized - 30 Oct 2007

A selection of comments:

Comment by RC on 10/29 @ 6:39 pm # |Edit This

G*d I am so tired of the Favre-gasm. You just about want to send a note to ESPN toe tell Kornheiser and Favre to get a room.

Comment by Jeff G. on 10/29 @ 7:08 pm # |Edit This

Thank you, RC. I have to turn off the game. Between the Bronco bashing from Kornholio, the Favre encomiums (and now, his wife in the booth, taking attention away from the actual game), and the camera coverage (LOOK! CHEESEHEADS IN THE STANDS!), I’ve lost interest in football.

The way ESPN markets sports these days is ruining the games for me. What was once about teams is now about individual personalities. It’s tedious.

And seriously, is the pro-Green Bay bias on a game being played in Denver really wise?

Comment by Tman on 10/29 @ 7:26 pm # |Edit This

I think ESPN should be banned from doing games. They can do the sportscenter and whatnot, but the way they turn games in to a MTV Video makes me violently ill.

I wish we could get Madden/Summerall back together. Did anyone call a better game than those two?

I say no.

dance, monkey! Now! And make it good, too, or we won’t be back!

Filed under: Uncategorized - 30 Oct 2007

Yeah? {*burp*}

Well then fuck you.

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