Archive for: January 2009

January 31, 2009

Happy Birthday, Jeff [Dan Collins]

Filed under: Uncategorized - 31 Jan 2009


Roger Explains [Dan Collins] [UPDATED BY JEFF]

Filed under: Uncategorized - 31 Jan 2009

the rogering. Sort of.

Damn good thing it wasn’t oxycontin.

Congress hedges itself against stagflation with a $93k raise. We’re all going to have to sacrifice.

update: With thanks to Darleen for reading Roger’s Version so that …

picture for a Saturday afternoon, circa 1983

Filed under: Uncategorized - 31 Jan 2009

Forget about all the lefty sites slinging their vitriol. Life’s too short.

Instead, enjoy this recently unearthed (by my high school girlfriend) pic from my Risky Business phase:

Was That An Asteroid? [Dan Collins]

Filed under: Uncategorized - 31 Jan 2009

Several things relating to the PJM Recovery Act.

First, it appears that what we are witnessing is a kind of mass extinction event, to borrow an analogy. Insty, who’s well positioned to know, says that the ad revenue model has failed. And fair enough. Lots of other bloggers, including Rusty, Ace, The Anchoress, have received their walking papers.

Jeff’s particular beef isn’t exactly with being a victim of belt-tightening measures. He’s upset (legitimately, in my view) that he wasn’t utilized when he offered his services–for the Democratic Convention in Denver, principally, but not solely–and wasn’t ever told why he’d been marginalized in effect. Or if that’s not the case, then Jeff can set me straight.

As The Ever-Temperate Anchoress and others point out, challenge also brings opportunity, and I wouldn’t be surprised to find that blog-space abhors a vacuum. It’s just that there’s no “conservative” equivalent of a Sorosugardaddy to fund the media on “our side.” I’m not saying that lefty sites such as the HuffPo won’t suffer, too; as Glenn surmises to me in an email, their burn-rate is probably extraordinary. And I don’t want to whack Roger too much while he’s scrambling to do what he thinks best, but as with many of the commenters here, and Althouse, I don’t think that the streaming video format is a good bet.

In the big picture, apart from the myriad ways this collapse affects the lives of people whom we know and admire in the ’sphere, this crisis (subliminal Rahm) is related to the whole issue of The Fairness Doctrine. I know that you can do the math. So, the question becomes one of pie.

I’ve had some interesting conversations about these matters with commenters here at PW, since my spider sense has been tingling for awhile, as it often does with paranoid psychotics. I posted yesterday’s Objectivity Fedora snipe before anyone got the message, with my usual crowd-pleasing sense of hahahahaha timing. Below the fold is an email from JHoward that represents an attempt to grapple with the issue of where to go now. Consider it a heuristic, at this point, from which you might derive your own jumping-point. Mind you, you may not agree with everything or even the direction, but it embodies the sort of concrete thinking that we can use right now, so please be respectful.

Pork-a-rama II [Darleen Click]

Filed under: Uncategorized - 31 Jan 2009


…because… don’t look!

January 30, 2009

picture for a Friday afternoon – circa 1981

Filed under: Uncategorized - 30 Jan 2009

Got tagged with this one on facebook by an old girlfriend. Note the lithe yet powerful legs. Like a jungle cat!

Yes, in the early 80s, I was not unlike a puma. Who listened …

What getting kicked to the curb in the age of new media looks like

Filed under: Uncategorized - 30 Jan 2009

Dear Jeff,

As you know, last September Pajamas Media began a new initiative in Internet television called Pajamas TV. When we started with our RNC coverage from Minneapolis, we noted that we would be in a Beta Phase through the …

Who Was That Masked Man? [Dan Collins]

Filed under: Uncategorized - 30 Jan 2009

I’d like to . . . bwahahahaha!

Via Gateway Pundit.


A brief — and intertextually pointed — response to Barack Obama’s undebated new New Deal:

Filed under: Uncategorized - 30 Jan 2009

Uh, not in my name.**


Blago Not Selfish Enough [Dan Collins]

Filed under: Uncategorized - 30 Jan 2009

chose bad friends.*

Obama seeks Republican for cabinet? Well, I’m thinking that he’ll be looking for a Senatorial RINO like Olympia Snowe, to get another Rethug out of the Senate.

UPDATE: Apparently, that’s the point of the story, but …

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