In all matters of opinion, our adversaries are insane.
Oscar Wilde
Monthly Archives: November 2009

UPDATED: Human-Caused Global Warming is a Hoax and FRAUD..UPDATE: Boxer: You know what the real issue is in Climategate? E-mail theft

By:Robert On: Nov/27/09 - 14 Comments

Happy Thanksgiving

By:Pam On: Nov/26/09 - 1 Comment

Reids Healthcare Bill: 2074 Pages For Your Reading Pleasure

By:Pam On: Nov/18/09 - 4 Comments

Obama to Congress: Back off the Hasan probe

By:Pam On: Nov/14/09 - 18 Comments

Thank you former President George W. Bush and former First Lady Laura Bush « HillBuzz

By:Pam On: Nov/12/09 - 3 Comments

Breaking: Obama Votes Present On Afghanistan, Rejects All Current Troop Options

By:Pam On: Nov/11/09 - 6 Comments

Happy Veterans Day

By:Pam On: Nov/11/09 - 3 Comments

SCROLL FOR UPDATES:“If American intelligence agencies missed the signs pre-911 and they missed a big hint pre-Foot Hood, exactly what are they missing now, as you read this post?”

By:Pam On: Nov/9/09 - 3 Comments

Freddie Mac posts $5 billion loss – Yahoo! Finance

By:Pam On: Nov/7/09 - 4 Comments

Ft Hood Murders..A Roundup

By:Pam On: Nov/6/09 - 11 Comments

Olbermann Can’t Perform So He Embellishes With: “With Fox News exposed as a political advocacy organization and not a news channel, that leaves msnbc as the #1 most watched news channel on cable.”

By:Pam On: Nov/4/09 - 2 Comments

Where Was Olbermann When The Republicans Won?

By:Pam On: Nov/4/09 - 2 Comments

Obama’s Big Win of the Night: Voters Repeal Maine’s Gay-Marriage Law, Outlawing It Once Again

By:Pam On: Nov/4/09 - 2 Comments

Do Honor Killings Fall Under Hate Crime Legislation?

By:Pam On: Nov/3/09 - 6 Comments

Actual cost of Pelosi bill: $1,200,000,000,000

By:Pam On: Nov/3/09 - 3 Comments

The pro-Fox Democrats – Daniel Libit –

By:Pam On: Nov/2/09 - Leave Your Comment

The Golden State isn’t worth it

By:Pam On: Nov/2/09 - 2 Comments