The SC&A Academy of Extremely Peculiar Pathologies, is pleased to announce this week’s winners of the Weekly Wednesday Whackjob Awards, commonly referred to as the ‘Whacky’s.’

First, some fine print: nominations will open each week until 10:00 PM, EST (After the broadcast of House, M.D.).

That’s it for the fine print.

The directors of the SC&A Institute are pleased to announce that applications to join our group therapy sessions have increased since our last graduation party and picnic.

This week’s show is being broadcast from the research laboratories at Psychotropic Drug Industries, ‘ A family friendly company.’

A ‘Whacky‘ has been been awarded this week in each of the following categories:

The Thorazine Shuffle and Dance Award, presented each week to the politician who dances and shuffles without actually addressing reality or answering a question, goes once more to New York Senator Hillary Clinton. Her most current outrage is directed at an anonymously produced political campaign ad. To hear Senator Clinton tell it, that ad is nothing short of blasphemy and a personal attack. She is above reproach, she would have you believe.

Of course, she hopes you will forget the $10,000 a month she so paying South Carolina state Senator Darrell Jackson- a deal cut for his endorsement.

She also hopes you’ll forget the $400,000 her brother was paid in the last minute pardons granted by Bill Clinton on his way out the White House door.

The New York Senator also hopes you’ll forget Clinton confidant David Geffen’s insider observations- “Everybody in politics lies, but they do it with such ease, it’s troubling.

Hillary Clinton also wants you to note her piety. She recounts that after hearing MLK speak in Chicago, she was inspired to support “the great revolution that the civil rights pioneers were waging on behalf of a more perfect union.” She does not mention her fond memories of the time she was a ‘Goldwater Girl.’ Nor does she mention that Barry joined with southern Democratic segregationists to oppose the Voting Rights Act of 1964.

Senator Clinton’s campaign problems are many, the least of which are an unauthorized political commercial.

On a more serious note, this week’s Thomas Szasz Psychotherapy Award, presented each week to the biggest idiot therapist we can find, goes to the psychiatrists of Adolph Hitler’s Third Reich – many of whom avoided prosecution when the war ended.

…The organization’s sole purpose was to gather and kill “inferiors.” T4 was, in fact, the nerve center of the extermination campaign and was not just the forerunner of the ensuing mass extermination of the Jews, Gypsies, Poles and other human beings “unworthy of life.” T4 was actually the organizer, education center and spiritual and administrative focal point that would continue in its criminal activity for another six years.

Questionnaires from state and private sanitariums and caretaking institutes poured into the T4 euthanasia headquarters. Consultants then marked the form: those who were to be killed had a red “+” sign, and those allowed to live were marked with a blue “-” sign.

They “did no examinations, had no access to medical histories, and made their decision solely on the basis of the questionnaire.” However, Jewish inmates did not have to fit the normal criteria used for normal medical killing.

By August 1941, T4 had already reached its original quota of 70,000 persons euthanized. Indeed, it had exceeded its quota–by 273 persons.

Read the story here. The numbers alone will astound you.

Why is this important? Because there are whole populations that really believe that they are entitled to kill or subjugate people who differ in religion or ideologies than they.

The Valium Award, presented to the dullard of the week goes to the California school that is suing a kid for wearing provocative socks.

A California Grade 7 student might end up in court for wearing Winnie the Pooh socks to school.

Toni Kay Scott, 14, was sent to an in-school suspension program called Students With Attitude Problems last year for violating a dress code, said a lawsuit against the Napa Valley Unified School District and Redwood Middle School. She had donned socks with the Tigger character from the Winnie the Pooh cartoons on them, along with a denim skirt and a brown shirt with a pink border.

Typical hooker gear.

The Trojan Award is presented each week to the person or persons we wish had never been born. This week’s winner, is the guy who shared an apartment with a pony.

A janitor entered an apartment in Östra Vemmerlöv, Sweden, where he was greeted with a strong stench of hay, horse excrement and urine.

It later emerged that the man who had previously been a tenant in the apartment had been living with his pony. The living space had also been home to the man’s partner, his four-year-old daughter and adult son.

He owned three dogs and three cats, which lived there too, according to Swedish newspaper Expressen.

The family used the living room as a stable, while the terrace had become a compost heap.

I suspect the ’stench of hay’ wasn’t what overwhelmed the janitor.

The NutriSystem “I’m Not So disgusting to My Spouse Anymore” Award, given to the biggest loser of the week, is awarded equally to airline and passenger:

SkyWest Airlines apologized to a passenger who said he wasn’t allowed to use the restroom during a one-hour flight and ended up urinating in an air-sickness bag.James Whipple said he had two “really big beers” at the Boise, Idaho airport. While on a flight to Salt Lake City on March 7 he wanted to use the cabin restroom.

The captain had declared it off-limits during the short flight because a light wasn’t working.

Apparently, no one who works for an airline has ever relieved themselves in the dark. No doubt the airline anal types were only too happy to attend this celebration.

The Haldol Honor, awarded each week to the person or persons most out of touch with reality, either on or off medication goes to the cab driver (‘victim’) who blamed his felonious behavior on religion.

An taxi driver in Adelaide in South Australia who stole a bag left behind by an elderly passenger says he was escaping from a cult religion at the time of the offence.

An 84-year-old man left his luggage in the taxi of Richard Paul Warner on Christmas Day 2004.

Inside the bag was a passport and more than $35,000 in traveller’s cheques.

The 31-year-old admits he attached his own photograph to the man’s passport and cashed almost all the cheques over a nine-month period.

Warner’s lawyer today told the District Court her client was financially struggling at the time and was depressed after leaving the cult-like religion he had been brought up in.

But the prosecution said Warner now had a job earning more than $100,000 a year and had not made any effort to repay the money.

He will be sentenced next month.

Oh, God.

The Methamphetamine Medal, awarded each week to the most hyper, histrionic, hysterical, spaced out documented behavior goes the lawyer that will provide this client a vigorous defense.

A teenager was reported to the police for allegedly having sex with a dog in a friend’s bathroom in Sweden.

The teenager is said to have taken the dog, a mongrel bitch, into his bathroom where he sexually attacked it, according to reports from Swedish newspaper, Folkbladet.

The animal’s owner heard the dog howling and checked where the sound was coming from.

He claims that when he opened the bathroom door, he discovered his friend having sex with the dog.

The friend allegedly continued the sexual attack while the dog’s owner turned a blind eye. He said that he was too scared to intervene as his friend was bigger and stronger than him.

Local police are currently investigating the allegations and they are considering charges of animal cruelty, as Swedish law doesn’t ban sex with animals.

The accused teenager’s reactions to the allegations are currently unknown.

Of course, charges may not be laid (we know what just through your mind), so this week’s award may be withdrawn.

The Viagra Statuette, (male or female), goes to the couple that took home schooling a bit too far.

A Rhode Island woman who routinely had sex with her boyfriend in front of her 9-year-old daughter to teach her about sex was sentenced to three years’ probation, authorities said Tuesday.

Rebecca Arnold, 37, and David Prata, 33, who received the same sentence this week, told investigators they thought the practice would help the child to learn, prosecutors said.

“Basically, and I’m tempted to say idiotically, they believed it was helpful to the girl, Ms. Arnold’s daughter; they believed it was helpful to her development to see them engaging in various sex acts in front of her,” said Mike Healey, spokesman for state attorney general Patrick Lynch.

The ECT Battery Award, presented to the most shocking news story of the week, goes to the researchers who announced that fans of heavy metal music may be more intelligent.

Many parents may regard it as a deafening din, but liking heavy metal may be a sign of intelligence in youngsters.

New research suggests clever teenagers listen to it as a way of coping with the pressures of being talented.

A study of 1000 of the country’s brightest adolescents revealed “metalheads” are often extremely bright.

“There is a perception of gifted and talented students as being into classical music and spending a lot of time reading,” Stuart Cadwallader, from Warwick University, said.

“There is literature that links heavy metal to poor academic performance and delinquency, but we found a group that contradicts that.

There is another research study examining the intelligence of the researchers that authored that report.

Finally, The HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) Prize awarded weekly to the loudest and most inconsequential feminist drivel the SC&A jury can find, goes to blogger author of Hah! self described as ‘a loyal mother, grandmother, wife, friend, student, philosopher, veteran, leftist.’

Her post, The Code Of Silence Is Sacred, offers up a look into mindless drivel. Only the first and last sentences are comprehensible.

I seemed to have ripped open a little secret that was never said, but understood, if not understood consciously, felt by many and I am now vilified for doing so [Yup, let's start with another 'conspiracy theory' -SC&A]…

She ends by saying,

I am an individual forced to live in the same collective species of humans just as everyone else and I expect to be treated just how I am expected to treat.

In between are Rorschach like thoughts, incomprehensible and subject the interpretation of the reader, whatever that interpretation might be.

The gist of the post is that white women/men/pets/ are inherently racist and need to do penance, beat their chests ad infinitum and wallow in the sins of a racist past by assuming the mantle of racist on themselves, unless of course, they are the author.

Nowhere mentioned are the realities and priorities of dealing with FGM, the oppression and slaughters in Darfur, Sierra Leonne, Congo, et al, are far more important than spending time on the couch and assuming the responsibility and culpability for racism of others long dead.

Now while we’re on the topic of crazy, be sure to visit Dr Sanity’s Carnival Of The Insanities for more bizarre, arcane, insane and incredible examples of what can be found in the whackosphere, blogosphere, MSM and NASA.

2 Responses to “The Wednesday Weekly Whacky Award Goes To…”

  1. smmtheory Says:

    C’mon now Siggy, you and I both know that the only reason Rebecca Arnold and David Prata were charged was because they failed to include “family diversity” and demonstrate homosexual activity as well.

    The award should go to the state of Rhode Island instead.

  2. Cousin Dave Says:

    A great list! Except maybe the Valium Award. I personally think it should be a felony for excessive cuteness to wear Tigger clothing.

    Yeah, I have Winnie the Pooh issues. So what?

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