Monthly Archives: October 2006 «


It’s starting: Democrat activist aggressively harassed Senator Allen at campaign stop – wrestled down by Allen campaign staffers

Posted by: Sister Toldjah on October 31, 2006 at 9:33 pm » 9 Comments

It had to happen sooner or later, but I didn’t expect it to happen before the election.
AllenHQ has background on the guy involved in the harassment of Senator Allen. He’s a diarist at the Daily Kos blog.
The left, predictably, is having a fit over this, but it’s funny how times change. In 2004, [...]


W is fired up, and responds to Kerry’s troop insults

Posted by: Sister Toldjah on October 31, 2006 at 9:11 pm » 10 Comments

Here’s the video of W’s fiery response to Senator Kerry’s disparaging of our troops.
All we need now is for Zell Miller to challenge Kerry to a duel like he did Chris Matthews back during the Republican National Convention in 2004
Speaking of Chris Matthews, Greg Tinti has video of Matthews trying to convince his audience [...]


It’s Halloween and the Democrat ghouls are out in full force

Posted by: Sister Toldjah on October 31, 2006 at 3:00 pm » 12 Comments

Let’s recap how the masks have come off in the last few days:
No longer the face of a “uniter”: Harold Ford, Jr. promotes belief that Republicans only fear God, while Democrats fear AND love God
“Tolerance” facade goes out the window: Another blackface Photoshop from the far left
Wolf in sheep’s clothing exposed: Rangel loses control [...]


Kerry responds – does not apologize. Makes Charlie Rangel look sane in comparison (VIDEO ADDED)

Posted by: Sister Toldjah on October 31, 2006 at 1:15 pm » 65 Comments

Rangel’s got some competition today on the “lost it” front. Check out Kerry’s response to the outrage over his remarks about our troops (emphasis added for full effect):
Washington – Senator John Kerry issued the following statement in response to White House Press Secretary Tony Snow, assorted right wing nut-jobs, and right wing talk show hosts [...]


Rangel loses control – again, and calls VP “SOB”

Posted by: Sister Toldjah on October 31, 2006 at 11:16 am » 8 Comments

He’s gone off the deep end before regarding Cheney, and now he’s done it again:
WASHINGTON – Rep. Charles Rangel yesterday blasted Dick Cheney as a “son of a bitch” after the vice president said the Harlem lawmaker would raise taxes and destroy the economy if Democrats take control of the House.
The bitter war of [...]


Why am I not surprised?

Posted by: Sister Toldjah on October 31, 2006 at 9:20 am » 2 Comments

Story from USAToday: Heavy coverage at midterm favors Democrats, study says
Even without the admissions, the MSM’s liberal bias could not be more obvious, could it?


And this man could have been president, part 2: How John Kerry “supports the troops”

Posted by: Sister Toldjah on October 31, 2006 at 8:52 am » 35 Comments

Tue PM Update: Click here for Kerry’s outraged response!
Just scanned Memeorandum and the blogosphere is understandably going wild over some incredibly despicable comments Senator John Kerry made about our troops at a campaign event for Governor Ahhhnold’s Democratic opponent loser Phil Angelides.
Allah’s got the audio, as does John Ziegler, and Michelle provides the relevant [...]


Project Valour IT – a worthy cause

Posted by: Sister Toldjah on October 30, 2006 at 10:00 pm » 2 Comments

Air Force flyboy Jay at Stop The ACLU has blogged about a worthy cause for our men and women in uniform called Project Valour IT. Here’s what it’s about:
Project Valour-IT, in memory of SFC William V. Ziegenfuss, provides voice-controlled laptop computers to wounded Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines recovering from hand and arm injuries [...]


Wow – how embarassing! And other election-related news

Posted by: Sister Toldjah on October 30, 2006 at 8:50 pm » 4 Comments

Check out this ad released by the Rep. Heather Wilson (R-NM) campaign against her Democratic opponent, NM Attorney General Patricia Madrid. RCP has that race as a toss up with Madrid currently up by three in the latest poll, but after that ad, Wilson may see a significant swing in her direction in the [...]


Steele gets endorsements from several Prince George’s County Dem politicos

Posted by: Sister Toldjah on October 30, 2006 at 8:38 pm » 4 Comments

Former Prince George’s County executive Wayne K. Curry, backed by five black members of the Prince George’s County Council, today endorsed Republican Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele’s campaign for the U.S. Senate.
Mr. Curry, a Democrat who became the first black Prince George’s county executive in 1994, and served two terms, is influential in Prince [...]