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Prosecutors target assets of Madoff’s wife

Federal prosecutors in New York and the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) are preparing to file a legal action against Ruth Madoff, wife of jailed fraudster Bernie, amid fears that she will try to flee the United States or move her $70m fortune beyond their reach.

Department of Justice sources told the Observer that prosecutors were “working around the clock” to build a criminal complaint against Mrs Madoff in an effort to ask a judge to freeze her bank accounts, which they believe are filled with the proceeds of her husband’s crimes.

The SEC, America’s top financial regulator, is understood to be liaising with the US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York to help prepare the asset freezing order.

“What will happen,” one SEC source said, “is that the US attorneys will be in court in the next week or so to tell a judge that they believe Mrs Madoff’s assets are derived from ill-gotten gains and that they should be frozen for a certain period of time while the investigation is ongoing.”

The judge will then decide whether there is sufficient reason to believe Mrs Madoff’s assets were the proceeds of her husband’s $64bn Ponzi scheme.

After Madoff confessed his crimes to the FBI on 11 December, the Department of Justice moved quickly to file a criminal complaint against him while the SEC issued an order to freeze his assets. SEC sources indicated that Mrs Madoff would soon experience something similar.


by Geezer Power

Mr. Obama mentions “The Department of Agriculture will close a loophole to prevent diseased cows from entering the food supply And, the government will invest in the FDA to substantially increase the number of food inspectors and modernize food safety labs”. He also mentions “Americans can trust that there is a strong system in place to ensure that the medications we give our children will help them get better, not make them sick; and that a family dinner won’t end in a trip to the doctor’s office”. Also worthy of mention is “In 2006, it was contaminated spinach. In 2008, it was salmonella in peppers and possibly tomatoes. And just this year, bad peanut products led to hundreds of illnesses and cost nine people their lives”.

In keeping with the open and transparent objectives of our new administration, “Change We Can Believe In”, we would be remiss if we didn’t question the viability of the large agricultural corportions and their detrimental effects on our food supply. The use of genetically engineered crops, the use of hormones in animal food supplies, along with the use of antibiotics is reaching proportions that will effectively put the worlds food supply in peril. Recent legislation that is now before congress will stifle any efforts to promote natural and organic methods of food production.

For you senior readers, out there on the tubes, you probably remember that the government promoted the Victory Garden” to help the war effort. We didn’t have any genes, hormones, or herbicides, at that time and home gardens produced one third of the food for the country at that time. I might mention that water didn’t cost much in those days, and was pretty much taken for granted, like…if you were thirsty you drank from the garden hose.

Keep in mind folks, that HR875, which if passed means that organic gardening methods and crops will be controlled by the Food Police. This legislation, now before congress, heavily influenced by lobbyists from huge food producers is so broad based that technically someone with a little backyard garden could get fined and have their property siezed.

John Dean: Cheney is guilty of ‘murder’ if Hersh claims are true

Raw Story- David Edwards and Rachel Oswald
Published: Friday March 13, 2009

Investigative reporter Seymour Hersh’s bombshell earlier this week that Vice President Dick Cheney controlled an “executive assassination ring” continues to reverberate throughout Washington, with Nixon aide John Dean going so far as to accuse the former VP of murder if the charges are true.

MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann visited the issue on his show Countdown Thursday night where he discussed the legal implications of Hersh’s allegations with Dean, who was White House legal counsel under President Richard Nixon.

“It’s potentially a war crime,” Dean said of the reported assassination ring. “It’s potentially just outright murder and it’s clearly in violation of the Ford Executive Order.”

Hersh told the students at the University of Minnesota on Tuesday that the assassination squad was “a special wing of our special operations community that is set up independently. In the Bush-Cheney Days, they reported directly to the Cheney, Cheney office. They do not report to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff or to Mr. Gates, the secretary of defense. They report directly to him. Congress has no oversight of it. It’s an executive assassination ring, essentially.”


BBC | Friday 13 March 2009

A UK resident freed from Guantanamo Bay has said he would not have faced torture or extraordinary rendition but for British involvement in his case.


US interrogators told him, “This is the British file and this is the American file,” Binyam Mohamed, 30, told the BBC in his first broadcast interview.

He said he wanted to see ex-President George Bush put on trial and, if there were evidence, former UK PM Tony Blair.

The UK says it does not condone torture, but will examine any claims.

The US has dropped all charges against Mr Mohamed.

BBC News reporter Jon Manel, who conducted the interview at a secret location, said that Mr Mohamed looked “very thin” and claimed to be suffering from health problems.

Mr Mohamed, who spoke to the media against the advice of his psychiatrist because he wanted people to know what happened to him, described his return to the UK last month.

Full Story

UK Daily Mail | Friday, March 13, 2009

Revealed: Blair's aides were told that Iraq was not able to attack within 45 minutes

Revealed: Blair's aides were told that Iraq was not able to attack within 45 minutes

Secret emails suggesting that Britain was duped into war in Iraq were released yesterday, renewing calls for a full-scale public inquiry into the conflict.

Documents released under freedom of information laws show Government officials pressed intelligence chiefs to strip out caveats about Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction.

Agents complained that the Government’s infamous dossier making the case for war suggested Saddam’s biological warfare programme was more advanced than they believed to be the case.

They also privately mocked claims about Iraq’s nuclear programme, joking that atomic specialists the document suggested had been assembled in Iraq must be ‘Dr Frankenstein’.

The 2002 dossier, which helped convince many MPs of the case for war, contained the now-discredited claim that Saddam Hussein had chemical and biological weapons which could be deployed within 45 minutes.

An inquiry headed by Lord Hutton, widely seen as a whitewash, concluded that spy chief Sir John Scarlett, who compiled the document, could have been ’subconsciously influenced’ by political pressure while drawing up the report.

Yesterday’s documents showed Sir John was directly instructed to make the conclusions as firm as possible.

Full article here

Lawyer seeks to prosecute Bush for torture, bar him from Canada

Raw Story- Stephen C. Webster
Published: Thursday March 12, 2009

Even out of power and away from the White House, former President George W. Bush seemingly cannot get away from calls for his prosecution.

The latest outcry comes from a Canadian attorney with Lawyers Against the War, who said she will file a suit against Bush and bar his entry to Canada over alleged war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Former President Bush plans a visit to Canada on March 17 for a speaking engagement at Calgary, on invite from the city’s chamber of commerce.

“In a letter to the [Royal Canadian Mounted Police] war crimes section and copied to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff and other federal ministers and opposition MPs, the Lawyers Against the War group claims that Bush is ‘inadmissible to Canada . . . because of overwhelming evidence that he has committed, outside Canada, torture and other offences’ as detailed in Canada’s War Crimes Act,” reported Canada.com.

The letter (PDF link) asks the mounted police to “begin an investigation of George W. Bush for aiding, abetting and counseling torture between November 13, 2001 and November 2008 at Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba, Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, Bagram prison in Afghanistan and other places.”

“The letter also alleges that Bush has engaged in ’systematic or gross human rights violations, or a war crime or a crime against humanity’ under subsections 6(3) to 6(5) of the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act,” reported Straight.com.

Lawyers Against the War has been pursuing similar tactics for years. The group’s Web site, which appears to have not been updated in the last five years, carries prior letters the organization has posted to Canadian officials.


Sudhan@21:30 CET



Dom Martin | urknet.info, March 9, 2009

Death is an awful thought — lachrymose indeed! Yet, the imprint of death on the faces of the children killed in Israel’s 2008/2009 devastating siege on Gaza, dons an angelic aura. They appear asleep in eternity’s embrace — never again to be awoken or traumatized by the apocalypse of sonic booms, DIMES, artillery shells and phosphorous incinerations.

This poem is dedicated to the Children of Gaza, who were deprived the gift of existence and the realization of ordinary bliss.

— Dom Martin


Is humanity’s Title Deed
To survival!

In human greed
Comes the revival
Of belligerence!

There’s protectorate
In the electorate
To incorporate error
With power
And power
With terror!

Death is aimed
The mother framed
The cradle claimed!

Survival is maimed
Existence walled
Justice stalled!

Continued >>

A ’sorry and ashamed’ Bernard Madoff pleads guilty


By LARRY NEUMEISTER and TOM HAYS, Associated Press Writers

1 min ago

NEW YORK – Bernard Madoff pleaded guilty Thursday to charges that he carried out an epic fraud that robbed investors around the world of billions of dollars, admitting he began operating a giant Ponzi scheme in the early 1990s in response to a recession.

“I am actually grateful for this opportunity to publicly comment about my crimes, for which I am deeply sorry and ashamed,” he told U.S. District Judge Denny Chin.

He said that he started the fraud but that he believed it would be short and he could extricate himself.

“As the years went by, I realized my risk, and this day would inevitably come,” he said in a steady voice. “I cannot adequately express how sorry I am for my crimes.”

The fraud turned a revered money man into an overnight global disgrace whose name became synonymous with the current economic meltdown.

Madoff described his crimes after he entered a guilty plea to all 11 counts he was charged with, including fraud, perjury, theft from an employee benefit plan, and two counts of international money laundering.

Prosecutors say the disgraced financier, who has spent three months under house arrest in his $7 million in Manhattan penthouse, could face a maximum sentence of 150 years in prison at sentencing.

The plea came three months after the FBI claimed Madoff admitted to his sons that his once-revered investment fund was all a big lie — a Ponzi scheme that was in the billions of dollars. Since his arrest in December, the scandal has turned the 70-year-old former Nasdaq chairman into a pariah who has worn a bulletproof vest to court.

The scheme evaporated life fortunes, wiped out charities and apparently pushed at least two investors to commit suicide. Victims big and small were swindled by Madoff, from elderly Florida retirees to actors Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick and Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Wiesel.

REUTERS/Fadi Al-Assaad
Journalist Seymour Hersh speaking in Doha at an Al Jazeera forum on the media in 2007.

Investigative reporter Seymour Hersh describes ‘executive assassination ring’

By Eric Black | Published Wed, Mar 11 2009 11:17 am

At a “Great Conversations” event at the University of Minnesota last night, legendary investigative reporter Seymour Hersh may have made a little more news than he intended by talking about new alleged instances of domestic spying by the CIA, and about an ongoing covert military operation that he called an “executive assassination ring.”

Hersh spoke with great confidence about these findings from his current reporting, which he hasn’t written about yet.

In an email exchange afterward, Hersh said that his statements were “an honest response to a question” from the event’s moderator, U of M Political Scientist Larry Jacobs and “not something I wanted to dwell about in public.”

Hersh didn’t take back the statements, which he said arise from reporting he is doing for a book, but that it might be a year or two before he has what he needs on the topic to be “effective…that is, empirical, for even the most skeptical.”

The evening of great conversation, featuring Walter Mondale and Hersh, moderated by Jacobs and titled “America’s Constitutional Crisis,” looked to be a mostly historical review of events that have tested our Constitution, by a journalist and a high government officials who had experience with many of the crises.

And it was mostly historical, and a great conversation, in which Hersh and Mondale talked about the patterns by which presidents seem to get intoxicated by executive power, frustrated by the limitations on that power from Congress and the public, drawn into improper covert actions that exceed their constitutional powers, in the belief that they can get results and will never be found out. Despite a few references to the Founding Fathers, the history was mostly recent, starting with the Vietnam War with much of it arising from the George W. Bush administration, which both men roundly denounced.


Is Madoff Probe Expanding?

Bernard Madoff is set this week to plead guilty to orchestrating a massive Ponzi scheme. But could we be in line for more guilty pleas before this is all over?

The Daily Beast reports:

[T]he [Madoff] investigation … has broadened to include a number of suspected co-conspirators, according to federal officials involved in the case.

The Daily Beast story — written by Lucinda Franks, whose byline identifies her as a Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist who was formerly on the staff of the New York Times — also reports that, according to sources, “several members of Madoff’s inner circle transferred assets to their wives, transactions thought to be laundered through an English bank.”

There are said to be three groups of possible co-conspirators, who could potentially be charged either criminally by the Justice Department, or civilly by the SEC.

In the first group are employees of Madoff’s firm who concocted false trades and sent out phony statements to thousands of unsuspecting clients.The second group is comprised of principals in feeder funds such as Cohmad Securities Corp. and Fairfield Greenwich Group, which funneled investor dollars to Madoff and received large fees for steering this business. If they were aware of Madoff’s fraud, they could face criminal charges; if they were not, they could be hit with civil charges for a lack of due diligence.

The third group is the target of an investigation that’s still in its early stages into money laundering through British banks, in which US and British authorities are cooperating. This group consists of solicitors, accountants, and others in London who may have assisted Madoff in transferring funds from client accounts to a Madoff entity that lists Ruth Madoff, brother Peter Madoff, and sons Mark and Andrew Madoff among its board members.

It’s not clear from any of this that any specific members of Madoff’s family, or his inner circle, are in immediate legal jeopardy.

But the Wall Street Journal appears to be thinking along similar lines (sub req). It notes:

Prosecutors alleged Tuesday that Mr. Madoff hired numerous employees with “little or no prior pertinent training or experience in the securities industry” and caused them to “communicate with clients and generate false and fraudulent documents.”

Its report doesn’t go as far as the Daily Beast’s. The Journal says it’s still unclear whether prosecutors believe these people knew they were involved in a fraudulent scheme, and doesn’t explicitly say that the investigation has broadened beyond Madoff himself.

But it’s noticeable that the paper does take the time to lay out what’s known about the possible involvement in the scheme of five of Madoff’s relatives and associates — including his wife Ruth, who has hired her own lawyer, and his brother Peter, who was the chief compliance officer for Madoff’s firm.

With Madoff’s guilty plea soon to be safely in the bag, are these reports an indication of where prosecutors are going next?

Goldfrapp- Ooh La La

David Vitter Throws Tantrum After Missing Flight

The Huffington Post |  Megan Slack   |   March 11, 2009 09:19 AM

UDPATE: Sen. Vitter claims that Roll Call’s account is overstated.

“After being delayed on the Senate floor ensuring a vote on my anti-pay-raise amendment and in a rush to make my flight home for town hall meetings the next day, I accidentally went through a wrong door at the gate,” Vitter said in a statement. “I did have a conversation with an airline employee, but it was certainly not like this silly gossip column made it out to be.”

* * * * *Louisiana Senator David Vitter screamed at a United Airlines employee last week after arriving 20 minutes too late for a flight from Dulles to New Orleans, Roll Call reports (subscription required).

According to Raw Story, when Vitter learned he didn’t make the flight, he tried to open an alarmed security door.

After setting off the security alarm, the Louisiana senator proceeded to dress down an airline employee who told him entering the restricted area was forbidden. He invoked his standing as a senator, delivering a “do-you-know-who-I-am” tirade, the paper said.

Vitter wouldn’t calm down, even after the employee threatened to call security.

“Vitter, according to the witness, remained defiant, yelling that the employee could call the police if he wanted to and their supervisors, who, presumably, might be more impressed with his Senator’s pin,” the paper’s Heard on the Hill column noted. “But after talking a huffy big game, Vitter apparently thought better of pushing the confrontation any further. When the gate attendant left to find a security guard, Vitter turned tail and simply fled the scene.”

By Ron Paul | Daily Paul, March 10, 2009

Imagine for a moment that somewhere in the middle of Texas there was a large foreign military base, say Chinese or Russian. Imagine that thousands of armed foreign troops were constantly patrolling American streets in military vehicles. Imagine they were here under the auspices of “keeping us safe” or “promoting democracy” or “protecting their strategic interests.”

Imagine that they operated outside of US law, and that the Constitution did not apply to them. Imagine that every now and then they made mistakes or acted on bad information and accidentally killed or terrorized innocent Americans, including women and children, most of the time with little to no repercussions or consequences. Imagine that they set up check points on our soil and routinely searched and ransacked entire neighborhoods of homes. Imagine if Americans were fearful of these foreign troops, and overwhelmingly thought America would be better off without their presence.

Imagine if some Americans were so angry about them being in Texas that they actually joined together to fight them off, in defense of our soil and sovereignty, because leadership in government refused or were unable to do so. Imagine that those Americans were labeled terrorists or insurgents for their defensive actions, and routinely killed, or captured and tortured by the foreign troops on our land. Imagine that the occupiers’ attitude was that if they just killed enough Americans, the resistance would stop, but instead, for every American killed, ten more would take up arms against them, resulting in perpetual bloodshed. Imagine if most of the citizens of the foreign land also wanted these troops to return home. Imagine if they elected a leader who promised to bring them home and put an end to this horror.

Continued >>

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Glenn Beck went on Neil Cavuto’s Fox News show yesterday, and Cavuto, after the usual niceties, rather bravely called out Beck on his fearmongering. (Though he put it a little more softly than that.) In return, Beck accused Cavuto of intentionally fluffing up his newscasts:

Cavuto: But when you — and great show, of course I’m going to say that, because I love you dearly — but you also bum me out. You bum me out, because you say in 2014, I think you said there will be like three people working and the Dow will be at 27.

Beck: Noooo. Neil, you know I have profound respect for you. Do you know that? You don’t know that?

Cavuto: Well, I don’t know, you scared me.

Beck: Listen to me. Neil Cavuto, I don’t know if you know who this man really is. You may watch him on television — do your homework on Neil Cavuto. You are an amazing man. Amazing.

Cavuto: That I know. [crosstalk]

Beck: You and I have a fundamental disagreement on something.

Cavuto: You think we’re going to hell in a handbasket.

Beck: You believe that it is your responsibility to make sure that you say, ‘Hey-hey-hey-hey everybody!’ I believe you’re playing music on the deck. I’m saying, ‘Get into the lifeboats!’

Cavuto: No, no, no. I am a realist and I look at it — No, no no no. You are scaring people. And here’s what you’re doing –

Beck: I’m not scaring! I am letting them –

Cavuto: I am a big enough appreciator of history to know that we always get through these things. Now the government cannot –

Beck: And I believe that too.

Cavuto: Then why are you doing this stuff in 2014 we’ll all be eating lead?

Beck: [Looking skyward] Because when the market hit 14,000 I said, ‘Get the hell out of the market!’ And when –

Cavuto: You, you will say — people watch you in droves. Your ratings are through the roof. You’re radio rock star. So everything you say, when you say it, they’re gonna say, ‘Gee, well, Glenn just said, you know, we’re all gonna be dead.’

… I just think that you’re scaring people. I love you dearly, because you are a rock star. I’m just saying, I look at it, I watch it in my office as I’m getting ready for my Fox Business show … and I watch, and I’m saying, ‘Man, Glenn is scaring me.’

Beck: I watch you in my office. I watch you –

Cavuto: One night affected my appetite. I didn’t get dinner. So you’re actually good for me losing weight.

Beck: And terrible for me. I watch you and I get frustrated. Because I think you’re putting on such a happy face.

Cavuto may be a corporate suck-up, but evidently even he can see some problems in where Beck wants to take us. After all, the torches-and-pitchforks crowds often go after wealthy Republicans too …

Amnesty International USA, March 9, 2009

A US federal judge considering whether detainees held by the USA in Bagram airbase in Afghanistan may challenge their detention before courts in the USA has ordered the administration of President Barack Obama to provide him with updated information on the Bagram detainees, by 11 March.

Amnesty International has written to the US administration urging it to inject some much needed transparency into the Bagram detention regime, including by making fully available to the public the information requested by District Court Judge John Bates.

When the Bush administration was asked by Judge Bates in January 2009 to disclose the number of people being held in Bagram, how many of them were taken into custody outside of Afghanistan, and how many of them were Afghan nationals, it responded by classifying as secret the key details and redacted them from the unclassified version of the filing.

Judge Bates has now asked the Obama administration the same questions, noting that the details supplied to him by the government in January may be out of date. Amnesty International has urged the new administration not to repeat its predecessor’s use of secrecy to conceal from the public its response to the judge. Transparency, essential to accountability and detainee protection, must be central to US detention policy. As President Obama has himself instructed his administration, “transparency promotes accountability”.

Figures released in late February by the International Committee of the Red Cross, the only organization with access to Bagram detainees, indicate that there were then about 550 detainees in the airbase. This was down from the figure of “about 615″ provided by US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to the Senate Armed Services Committee a month earlier.

New detentions by US and allied forces in Afghanistan continue. According to reports by the American Forces Press Service, at least 120 “militants” were taken into custody during January and February 2009. It is not known how many, if any, have been or will be transferred to Bagram. The US authorities should provide regular public information on the numbers and nationalities of those held in US custody in Bagram and elsewhere in Afghanistan, and where, when, and in what circumstances they were taken into detention.

Continued >>

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