barack obama

Tag details

Barack Obama was elected president of the United States in November 2008, comprehensively defeating the Republican John McCain. He is generally described as the "first black (or African-American) president", being the son of a Kenyan father and a white mother from Kansas.

He graduated from Harvard Law School in 1991 and was elected to the US Senate in 2004, having previously been a state senator in Illinois.

His presidential victory was put down to his winning support from a "rainbow coalition" of voters. He appealed to middle class Americans, and the race was seen to swing his way when the economic crisis of 2008 started to take hold. The unpopularity of Republican President George Bush was also a factor.

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  • Obamas Yes We Can Vs. Boehners Hell No You Cant!

    Pedestrian Observer GBAuthority Authority: 110
    Amazing mix.... Yes We Can vs. the party of Hell No You Cant, you decide who will you listen to..... Subscribe in a reader Click on the images to receive your free email updatesPOGB will not sell, exchange, use or allow any 3rd party access to your email forany other purposes without exception, email exclusively for ...
    2 hours ago
  • McCotter Floor Remarks on Obama: So this is what change looks like...

    The Maritime SentryAuthority Authority: 141
    CG brought this video to my attention. The House Republicans have really been impressive during this healthcare debate. Dont forget, even during Bushs term House Republicans passed many conservative pieces of legislation on the financial institutions and energy amongst other things only to have the Senate not take it ...
    2 hours ago
  • Gas Up Over $1 Per Gallon Since Obama Came into Office

    Jumping in PoolsAuthority Authority: 591
    Since January of 2009 when President Obama took office gas has increased in price by about 50% or about $1.00 per gallon. The explanation is very, very clear in the Washington Times piece about it. "The reason that it dropped is because the U.S. sent a signal to the markets, by dropping the moratoria, that were ...
    2 hours ago
  • India bluffing global powers

    THE PEOPLE OF PAKISTANAuthority Authority: 438
    US and Russia consider India as their Gimcrack copartner in the global affairs Zaheerul Hassan: Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin concluded his two days visit of New Delhi on March 12, 2010. During this tour Putin spent most of the time to please his Indian counterpart while pretending his concern ...
    3 hours ago
  • Has there ever been a more ungracious man in the White House?

    Bookworm RoomAuthority Authority: 604
    I have to admit that my political memory isn’t that long.  The first president I remember is Johnson, and I have only the vaguest recollection of him.  I know now that he was a sharp political operator, a vicious enemy and a complete fruit loop in his day to day conduct.  I start having more vivid memories when ...
    3 hours ago
  • Is History Repeating Itself?

    Bearing Drift :: Virginia Politics On-DemandAuthority Authority: 614
    3 hours ago
  • Obama’s Healthcare Victory and How It’s Shoring Up The Middle Class

    Jack & Jill PoliticsAuthority Authority: 582
    Glenn Beck would have you believe that the healthcare bill’s sole purpose is to take money from hard-working “regular Americans” (read: white people) and give that $$$ to America’s laziest ni**ers. Oh and let’s not forget what Beck refers to as the voting bloc of “illegal aliens” i.e. Latinos. Never mind ...
    3 hours ago
  • How are big companies responding to Obamacare?

    Wintery KnightAuthority Authority: 527
    Caterpillar and John Deere . (H/T Hot Air via ECM ) Excerpt: Caterpillar Inc. said Wednesday it will take a $100 million charge to earnings this quarter to reflect additional taxes stemming from newly enacted U.S. health-care legislation. [...]The charge is expected to be a one-time cost, but Caterpillar has ...
    3 hours ago
  • News Of The Day **Open Thread**

    NO QUARTERAuthority Authority: 596
    This day has been jam packed with some mighty interesting news stories, some, once again, offered by our intrepid readers. First up is Rep. Issa claiming there is a “credible allegation” that the White House committed a felony. The allegation stems from Democrat Rep. Joe Sestak: Watch the latest news video at ...
    3 hours ago
  • The Real Goal Of ObamaCare: Redistribution Of Wealth

    Below The BeltwayAuthority Authority: 648
    Just listen to what Senator Max Baucus has to say: Sen. Max Baucus (D): “Too often, much of late, the last couple three years the mal-distribution of income in America is gone up way too much, the wealthy are getting way, way too wealthy, and the middle income class is left behind. Wages have not kept up with ...
    3 hours ago
  • Obama stops in favorite Iowa City bookstore; buys kids books. Pool report

    Lynn SweetAuthority Authority: 703
    WASHINGTON--President Obama spent a lot of time in Iowa in the run-up to the crucial 2008 caucus vote, and on Thursday stopped at a favorite Iowa City bookstore while in town to deliver a speech--more like a pep rally for the new health care law he signed on Tuesday. After he strolled through the store he bought-with ...
    3 hours ago
  • Health Care Reform Passes It’s Final Congressional Hurdle

    Below The BeltwayAuthority Authority: 648
    The House of Representatives approved the revised version of the Reconciliation Bill this evening: Congress passed the final piece of President Obama’s landmark health-care package Thursday, the last legislative hurdle in a year-long debate over the issue. On a 220 to 207 vote Thursday night, the House approved ...
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  • Obama: The Big ‘Effing’ Deal

    Turning LeftAuthority Authority: 133
    I love this. From a friend at Facebook.
    4 hours ago
  • Dems victorious in final health bill fixes vote (barf)

    StupidicaAuthority Authority: 174
    WASHINGTON - Capping an epic struggle, Democrats completed the final touches Thursday to an historic fight for a nationwide health care overhaul; a process that ended with the the House approving Senate-cleared changes to the legislation the president signed into law Tuesday. Republicans vowed to campaign for repeal ...
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  • Democrats near victorious end of health care fight (AP)

    Northloop Neighborhoods - Community News & DirectoryAuthority Authority: 456
    read more
    4 hours ago
  • ObamaCare a Huge Hit—With Fidel Castro!

    American Conservative DailyAuthority Authority: 505
    By John W. Lillpop Those who doubt that ObamaCare is an evil Communist scheme that will destroy our way of life: Listen up to the words of the second most dedicated Marxist in our Hemisphere. That would be Fidel Castro, the dried-up old Commie prune from Cuba, the only man outside of Moscow more smitten with ...
    4 hours ago
  • Congress Completes Work On Health Care Bill!

    The Mad Professah LecturesAuthority Authority: 135
    The United States Senate passed the bill 56-43 early today and the House of Representatives passed the bill 220-207 a few minutes ago. Barack Obama has become the first President to get Congress to pass a health care reform bill. He was able to get his number one domestic policy agenda enacted without a single ...
    4 hours ago
  • Will Govt Health Takeover Bring Constitutional Hope And Change?

    StupidicaAuthority Authority: 174
    We live in a fundamentally different country from that which existed only days ago. The government now requires every American to buy health insurance. The Constitution has been attacked, interpreted in a way beyond its original intent. Therefore, we must change it. Ignoring the will of the majority of Americans, the ...
    4 hours ago
  • Senator Admits ObamaCare About Income Redistribution

    Flopping AcesAuthority Authority: 654
    4 hours ago
  • Watch lists, the Patriot Act, and the government targeting of Right wing groups

    The Constitution ClubAuthority Authority: 131
    Our friends at Canada Free Press have been kind enough to expose the active plan by the white house and Democratic lawmakers to put members of pro-life and TEA party groups on a “watch list” and preparations to use the Patriot Act against them. Lumping the activist conservative right in with Islamic terrorists ...
    4 hours ago

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